Russell: Stay in your lane, Bess.
Elizabeth: You asked me to help end the shutdown. So what I think you mean is, 'Thank you.'

Henry: For what it's worth, I'm taking Jace to the Spy Museum tomorrow. We're still sorta dancing around his suspicions about my job, and honestly, I'm...not quite sure how to handle that one.
Elizabeth: Well, we're honest in all the ways that count. And someday, his therapist will be able to buy a boat.

Elizabeth [to Jay]: You don't have divided loyalties. You won't feel like you've been demoted, and I do not have to wonder whether or not you'll crack under pressure.
Blake: He's already been kidnapped.
Elizabeth: You've already been kidnapped! And you didn't quit. That right there -- I mean, you're either totally nuts or the most loyal person I will ever find.

Elizabeth: Why not use it as leverage? Why drag the family into it?
Russell: Because I want him *destroyed* by the same monster he created. He wanted to whip his base against immigrants and refugees, let them rip him apart. [laughs] Thought you'd appreciate the poetic justice.

Elizabeth: For God's sake, when is it going to stop being about perception?
Randall: You think this is a beauty contest? I'm not letting that puny ideologue dismantle Conrad's agenda piece by piece over the next four years.

Russell: What's the one thing you have that Morejon doesn't?
Elizabeth: A conscience?
Russell: An approval rating!

Jay: We could promote our *acting* chief of staff.
Blake: What, what, you want the guy who does coffee and phone calls in charge of setting the U.S. foreign policy agenda? This is like that nightmare where I walk on stage naked in a play I've never heard of.

Elizabeth: Wow. I am not used to how empty it is in here.
Jay: Yeah. It's like we missed the last chopper out of Saigon.

Elizabeth: Something elevator worthy?
Blake: Itinerary for the Global Economic Conference in Paris this weekend, top five resumes for your new chief of staff, and a latte, extra foam.
Elizabeth: Oh, that is definitely elevator worthy. But you didn't pay for this out of your own money, did you?
Blake: There's a slush fund for essentials, ma'am.

Elizabeth: Look at the two of you, bonding over espionage.
Jason: It's the DC equivalent of building a pinewood derby car.

Our work isn't political. Our work is representing the interests and values of the United States to the best of our ability.


Look, I get it. You're in the room everybody in the country is talking about. You want to do a good job. It's nerve-racking. But your biggest asset in there is that nobody thinks you matter.

Adele [to Stevie]

Madam Secretary Quotes

I won't say the David Bowie thing.


Elizabeth: When he says it's my call, what does he mean by that?
Russell: He means it's your ass.