Elizabeth: Next time, Gwen, don't wait for an invitation. You sat on this proposal for how long?
Gwen: Two years.
Elizabeth: A good idea is meaningless without the courage to act. You must speak up.

Elizabeth [after Henry gets shot]: Henry, when are you gonna get a desk job that involves a real desk?
Henry: Well, they offered me a cubicle, but I was gonna hold out for something with a window.

Daisy [after Ambassador Dong vetos the ED education proposal]: I really thought The Fonz would clinch it.
Blake: He was humming the theme song!
Nadine: Well apparently "Happy Days" can't beat cold hard cash.

Let's all hope Ambassador Dong rises to the occasion.

Matt [about pitching the Viagra saving the rhinos plan]

So, we can save the rhinos by pushing Viagra?


I don't care where a good idea comes from, I just want one.


Allison [after Henry asks for Jason's help with a mechanical issue]: Don't bother asking me, Dad, because why would a girl be interested?
Henry: Allison, I didn't think...
Allison: That's the point. And I'm not. But, maybe I would've been. Bye!
Elizabeth: Bye! [pause] Well played, Super Dad.

Elizabeth: Okay, I want a name. Who took the last donut?
Nadine [after no one responds]: It was me, ma'am.
Elizabeth: Noble gesture, Nadine, but I didn't spend the last 20 years in the CIA profiling dissemblers and liars for nothing. Got anything to say, Matt?
Matt: Is that a new jacket?

Do you know the mountains that President Dalton and I had to move to put this deal back together? All to do what's best for our children, and grandchildren, and, oh yeah, the other seven billion people on the planet, too? And you are putting it all on the line trying to strong arm us into endorsing some *toddler* that you are using as a political pawn? Do...you know who the real toddler is, Ming? You! You're the real toddler. You are.

Elizabeth [after Minister Chen informs her about the Chinese Lama]

A government with conflicting opinions. I will never understand democracy.

Foreign Minister Chen

So do the right thing. Don't screw up the climate deal that a majority of Americans support, including your constituents. Or I will kick your ass. [pause] Welcome to Washington, Senator.

President Dalton [to a wayward Senator]

President Dalton: Why did I want this job again?
Elizabeth: Your house does have a bowling alley in the basement.

Madam Secretary Quotes

I won't say the David Bowie thing.


Elizabeth: When he says it's my call, what does he mean by that?
Russell: He means it's your ass.