The irony being that, just like any other so-called strongman, he isn't strong at all. He's just insecure and weak, without any good policy ideas, so he has to bully his way into power and force himself on women to feel powerful...

Elizabeth [about President Andrada]

Russell: God, sometimes democracy just...blows.
Elizabeth: Hey, good title for your memoir.

That's the whole problem, isn't it? We tell ourselves to suck it up, just this once. Be better for everyone. Like now -- I'm thinking about the bigger picture. But just saying that, aren't I marginalizing women's right to not be harassed and not be assaulted? When does that get to be the bigger picture?


Russell: Plenty of religious, socially conservative countries still manage to turn a blind toward the sexual indiscretions of powerful men.
Elizabeth: Sexual assault isn't an indiscretion, Russell. It's a crime.

Elizabeth [after ending a call with a Filipino general]: Just to confirm we all heard the same thing, that was a clear offer for a covert assassination.
Russell: Well...that's one way to skin a cat.

The Filipino people rolled the dice on a...erratic, self-obsessed strongman. Now they're paying the price.

Gordon Becker

Daisy: Ma'am, I hope you're not blaming yourself.
Elizabeth: Of course I am. It's my job to keep those talks alive.
Daisy: But Andrada sexually assaulted you. How are you supposed to turn that into a diplomatic discussion? I realize it's your call, ma'am, but I feel like we're covering up for him.

Henry: Andrada's been posting all these photo's of himself, with his nose splint and his black eyes.
Elizabeth: Really? Thought he'd be embarrassed and lay low.
Henry: No. He's very proud of the fact he got his nose the gym, by his sparring partner. Guy named Cobra.
Elizabeth: You're gonna start calling me "Cobra" now, aren't you?
Henry: As soon as it's funny.

Russell [after hearing that Elizabeth punched President Andrada of the Philliphines]: I know this doesn't bode well for the Singapore Interchange. Then again, Sugar Ray McCord has put the world on notice about how we deal with bullies.
Elizabeth: That's not funny, Russell.
Russell: I'm not kidding. It's badass.

Oh. Russell Jackson. "WHN." [whispers] WHN? [exclaims] Uh White House Now! Oh, for the halcyon days when he used to spell everything out.

Elizabeth [checking texts]

Elizabeth [after Stevie describes what a Memorandum of Understanding is]: It's nice to know that *one* of my kids listens to me.
Stevie: Actually, I was listening to Russell Jackson.

You guys still on a family phone plan? [Jay and Matt turn to look at him] I'm just saying, you can look online at the records, and see if there's any number that she's calling regularly that you don't recognize. I saw it on Dateline. [Matt shakes his head] Don't judge.

Blake [after eavesdropping about Jay's marital woes]

Madam Secretary Quotes

I won't say the David Bowie thing.


Elizabeth: When he says it's my call, what does he mean by that?
Russell: He means it's your ass.