Baird: If you people could just think it through...
Sharon: Eternal Meadows freezes people's heads!
Baird: Oh I don't know, do they?

Tao: Towards the end, did you notice an abrupt decline?
Dr. Cabrera: As declines go, death is fairly extreme.

Hold on. Arsenic? Where's the old lace? Who uses arsenic in this day in age?


When Captain Baird gives an order, we follow it, even if we can't quite remember who he is.


Rusty: I know that it's the right thing to do, I, I get that, but I just wish that doing the right thing felt better.
Sharon: Well it will feel better than doing the wrong thing, I promise you that.

How can I have a relationship with her if she can't make her using or not using about me in any way?


[to Sanchez] I want you to control your temper, right now!


Rusty: It's bad, isn't it, that she didn't check in there on her own.
Sharon: Rusty, how she got there isn't as important as what she does with it.

Rusty, your mom had a choice and she chose Signal Hill.


I am looking forward to meeting the other Sharon in your life and I'm glad she is in rehab.


Oh God. The Rules. Why did I ask?


Rusty: And that other thing that you think you know? I am not ready to talk about that at all.
Provenza: Thank God.

Major Crimes Season 3 Quotes

Morales: No matter how many ways you look at it, some things never make sense. All I can tell you is they didn't suffer.
Sanchez: How do you know that?
Morales: Carbon monoxide poisoning. They were asphyxiated. Probably went to sleep inside a running car, inside a garage.

Hold on, hold on. We need to finish here first. And you need to keep filming. I want the jury to see this exactly the same way we did. OK Tao, open the other suitcase.
