Joss: Wow, Savi I really don't understand you.
Savi: Yeah, this just in.

Of course she has a life. You've been dead for three years.


No, you have never judged me Mom because that actually would have required some attention.


Now I understand why you've always been so freakin' tough on me, because that's what mothers do.


Clearly you don't know how loudly you snore. That drip drip drip is like a lullaby.


This is fancy. I'm glad I wore a bra.


You can't lose what you don't have. Go back to your family in Florida because you've got no family here.


Either I'm dealing with a sleazy con artist looking to make a buck off the worst thing that's ever happened to me or she's a tramp stamp slut whose ruined my life forever.


Savi: None of this is happening the way I pictured it.
Dom: So, just because it's not how you imagined it doesn't mean it can't work.

Doom and gloom is your thing, mate and we always end up in the clear. Now relax and have a beer.


You know New Yorkers. They're picking and opinionated. They refuse to like anything but I'll get them.


Josslyn: I'm a free spirit.
Savi: A free spirit who doesn't mind being a kept woman.

Mistresses Quotes

Customer: Is this the sexy sheet section?
April: This is the satin section. What's sexy to one person is a slippery elbow in the face to someone else.

Savi: Where's your wedding ring?
Harry: It's in my pocket.
Savi: Put it on.