Everyone has their strengths. I'm a great gift-giver.


You're the last person who should give me anything. You got me here. You got me to graduation, to Cal tech. You did it. You're done.


Now, I didn't tell Cam, because I was embarrassed, but also because I knew -- I knew I would get another job just like that. It's been a month.


Congrats! I'm gonna roll away before you spit on my screen again!


I just had to plug him in. It was a nice reversal from when I had to pull the plug on my dad in the hospital.


Manny: I think it's a bold step, and I support you in your journey of self improvement.
Gloria: No, you're not getting your hair straightened.

It would kill me if I thought that what I felt would hold you back from getting something that you wanted.


Can we maybe stay on my problem until the bread comes?


I wanna kiss you, but I have surgery breath.


Mitchell: Oh my gosh, you cut yourself.
Lily: Don't get blood in my eggs.

Mitchell: Oh my god. That burger was so good, I feel like I just cheated on you.
Cam: Yeah, I heard the moaning.

I gotta stop talking to that kid while I'm drinking.


Modern Family Quotes

Yes, I've gained a few extra pounds while we were expecting the baby... but that's science. You can't fight it.


If Haley got pregnant, would you ever pretend she got mono for a few months and then tell everyone the baby's yours?
