Killers don't look like killers if they're good at their jobs.


You know what gives me a headache? This job! I gotta be there for my son because he needs a mother. I didn't ask for this shit. You know that my ankles are swollen. I got calluses! And then my hair, smells like canola oil. I fucking hate this place. I quit!


I'm going for the Jewish experience. You feel me? Get all cultural on them, should be mad convincing. Man, I need some, likeā€¦ Seinfeld episodes. Oh! Ka-ching! Check it out! Woody fucking Allen. Now, that's some Jew shit right there.

Black Cindy

We have captive women, and we have underwear. All we need to do is recruit a bunch of girls with super stinky tutus, and then figure out a way to get the used goods out there to the freaks who want them.


Taystee: It's eight o'clock in the morning. You drinking already?
Poussey: It's always five o'clock in prison.

Gloria: Look, if you wanted to look like a real woman, you would let your roots grow out and get some bags under your eyes.
Sophia: You know, historically, me and reality...not friends.

You take a woman's power away. Her work, her family her currency. You leave her with one coin...the one she was born with. It may be tawdry and demeaning, but if she has to, she will spend it. But you're right, your feelings count too.


Soso: You know what sucks? Belonging to a race that doesn't commit enough low-value crimes to be relevant in a place like this. Where's my big, Asian prison family?
Chang: You Scottish.
Soso: Not to white people I'm not. One drop of ethnic blood, and bam, I'm basically made in China, like you and my toothbrush.

No one in here is people.


'Cause if you were a Christian, you could tell everybody what to do, and then they'd do it so they don't hurt your feelings, because that's against the law.


No, in your heart of hearts, you know as well as I do, red velvet is bullsh*t. It tastes like Play-Doh. It is not velvety. And the only thing that's good about it is the cream cheese frosting, which is mean to live on top of carrot cake, like God intended.


Pearson: This is an opportunity for all of you to learn a very in demand trade. And we hope that all of you will take it as seriously as we did when selecting you. Ladies, welcome to Whispers.
Cindy: We making panties?

Orange is the New Black Season 3 Quotes

Maybe you should stop punishing yourself. I mean, what does a good mother do? A good mother does what's best for her children. And maybe what was best for your children was wipin' 'em out before they had to lead miserable f*cking lives.

Big Boo

Lorna: How does that work, with you being a lady-man and all? Do you and his mother both celebrate the day?
Sophia: You really wanna be callin' me a lady-man when I got a fistful of your hair in my hand?
Lorna: Oh, I just thought it sounded nice. I don't know from these things. That's why I'm askin' questions.