Oh my god, you don't even know me. I mean, I, I, I could be some kind of ax murderer who wants to make coats out of the skins of babies or something.


This inside me? It feels like a grenade right now. And soon, it's going to blow up and take me with it.


Cesar: Christina. Christina got some decent mommy skills. Maybe she can take care of the baby for a little while.
Daya: She's in junior high.

More often than not, people believe what you tell them.

Flaca's Mom

I refuse to be invisible, Daddy. Not for you, not for Mom, not for anybody.

Big Boo

Maybe this is exactly where I am supposed to be right now. Maybe this, right now, is making me a better person.


Go ahead and call me Jesus from now on 'cause this bitch just worked a miracle.


Prison is not cool. Being here is not cool. It's not brave or admirable or courageous, it's stupid. I feel stupid for being in here.


Red's not my mom Wouldn't wish that on her. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


Poussey: Books are made from paper and trees, so we thought they should be returned to the trees from whence they came and everything.
Taystee: The ultimate book return.

And you're not just another shill taking a paycheck from an evil system of oppression 'cause you're fighting it from the inside with drama class. Fine. Whatever you need to tell yourself to get by, but excuse me if I don't want to spend my precious time catering to the delusion that you're making a difference. I have my own quilt of lies to sew.


If you say "bean leaves" one more time I'm going to punch you in the f*ck hole.


Orange is the New Black Season 3 Quotes

Maybe you should stop punishing yourself. I mean, what does a good mother do? A good mother does what's best for her children. And maybe what was best for your children was wipin' 'em out before they had to lead miserable f*cking lives.

Big Boo

Lorna: How does that work, with you being a lady-man and all? Do you and his mother both celebrate the day?
Sophia: You really wanna be callin' me a lady-man when I got a fistful of your hair in my hand?
Lorna: Oh, I just thought it sounded nice. I don't know from these things. That's why I'm askin' questions.