They took our meat! Do they mean for us to starve?


Roger: Claire found Jamie. They were reunited. They lived in North Carolina from about 1768 at a settlement called Fraser's Ridge. It's not far from Mt. Helican which is now called Grandfather Mountain.
Brianna: The place where the festival was held.
Roger: Aye. The same mountain range.
Brianna: So they were early Americans.
Roger: Aye. I have here before me a land grant showing Jamie received 10,000 acres from the Governor of North Carolina.
Brianna: You're kidding.
Roger: And a letter from a woman to her family in England which mentions James Fraser and quote, his wife, Claire, a healer.

Brianna, I have some news about your mother.


Christ. That pole's crooked. The shed will be too. Canna have a crooked shed.


Claire: Is that a cabin I see before me?
James: That it is, aye, unless you want to live under grass and moss for the end of your days.

Brianna, I love you all, or not at all.


Brianna: I never said marriage was off the table.
Roger: That's enthusiastic.

If all I want is to have my way with you, I would have had you on your back a dozen times last summer. [Brianna Slaps Roger]
If you don't care enough to marry me, then I don't care enough to have you in my bed.


Roger: What in God's name are you playin' at?
Brianna: You said you wanted me. I want you, too. Don't you know that?
Roger: So you won't marry me, but you'll fuck me?

Roger: I want you, Brianna. I cannot say it more plainly than that. I love you. Will you marry me?
Brianna: Roger, this is very fast.
Roger: Aye. Aye, we can have as long an engagement as you like. I just, I want to give you my name. I want when the McKenzies stand at the calling of the clans tomorrow for you to be standin' at my side. I want one day that you'll be my wife. I want to have a home with you. I want to have a home big enough for a for or five wee McKenzies, a couple of dogs...
Brianna: Roger; Roger, stop. I'm not ready for this.

I love you a little, a lot, passionately, not at all.

Brianna [reading a bracelet transcription]

Brianna: Ooh! I've always wanted to have my portrait done.
Roger: That makes one of us!