First, you're gonna tell me the name of this ex so I can teach him about internet security the hard way. Second, you need to explain to me why would you take those kind of photos Ginny!


Were you guys just talking about me?


The leering and jeering? I can take the leering and jeering as long as I get to play! But I'm not even in the damn game right now.


Mike: Livan, I heard you could be one of the greats...someday.
Livan: I followed your career for a long time. My father was a fan.

Thank you for mainsplaining that to me! I always wanted to use that word.


Nude photos of Ginny are about to explode across the internet.


Mike: So you're working on the cutter right?
Ginny: Yeah, you want to see it?
Mike: No.

Al: And I want an ass like Bradley Cooper but it's not happening.
Buck: Who's Bradley Cooper?

Blip: How can you be a ball player and not know who Wally Pip is?
Ginny: I was born in 1992.

It's too bad about you and Mike. I'm sorry if I was the reason things didn't work out.


So much for being one of the guys. So much for being a role model for girls.


You look like a waitress at Hooters. I'm amazed that your head is the only thing that bobbles


Pitch Quotes

Ginny: But none of that matters, you know why?
Frank: No, but color me intrigued.
Ginny: Because today I'm the starting pitcher for the San Diego Padres.

I know it's only a 2 minute ride to the stadium and you've probably dealt with this kind of paparazzi before, but there's a billion dollar piece of cargo back here, and if you Princess Di her ass and you and me survive, I'm going to Red Wedding you and your entire family.
