Cheryl: What … what are you all doing here?
Penelope: Julian needs a body, Cheryl. So, we’re giving him yours!
[Cheryl screams]

Hiram: I want to come home.
Hermione: You don’t live here anymore. Just … stop. Veronica and I are finally free of you.
Hiram: Is that what freedom looks like? Playing hostess at a teenager’s gin joint.
[Hiram takes off his shirt]
Hiram: Let me back in. You won’t have to work another day ever again. You’ll be my wife again.
Hermione: Over my dead body.
Hiram: That can be arranged.
[Hermione slaps Hiram]
Hiram: Was that foreplay or punishment?

Archie: What do you want? You want to fight me?
Dodger: Sure … but don’t you need to put your mask on first?
Archie: What are you talking about?
[Archie hesitates. Dodger turns to his crew]
Dodger: See, I told you! I told he’s that guy in the mask, the one making trouble for all of us. Aren’t you?
Archie: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Dodger: I think you do. I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Chic: Hi, how did it all go?
Charles: Smooth as cream, babe. FP led me right to where he buried the body. He moved what was left and everyone was appropriately grateful.
Chic: Even Betty?
Charles: Even Betty.
Chic: That’s great.
[Both place their hands on the prison glass]
Chic: I love you, babe.
Charles: I love you too.

Riverdale Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Cheryl: What … what are you all doing here?
Penelope: Julian needs a body, Cheryl. So, we’re giving him yours!
[Cheryl screams]

Hiram: I want to come home.
Hermione: You don’t live here anymore. Just … stop. Veronica and I are finally free of you.
Hiram: Is that what freedom looks like? Playing hostess at a teenager’s gin joint.
[Hiram takes off his shirt]
Hiram: Let me back in. You won’t have to work another day ever again. You’ll be my wife again.
Hermione: Over my dead body.
Hiram: That can be arranged.
[Hermione slaps Hiram]
Hiram: Was that foreplay or punishment?