I know it is bonkers for Jorge to choose me over you. You could have anyone. Alfred Hitchcock would turn down a custard pie to torture you. Love is weird.


Doc Lopez: Melissa, this is The Countess, Gabriele Von Blerkom. She also invented stainless steel!
The Countess: Jorge, please. I dabble in alumino-thermic reduction processes, and I got lucky.

I tried to alert the mayor but his mind was elsewhere. In his pants! His poor wife is so ashamed, she locked herself inside her house. And this time, on purpose.

Mildred Layton

I love this town. Y'all know my great-great-grand-daddy founded Schmigadoon when he came upon this beautiful tract of land and said, 'They'll never find us here.'

Mildred Layton

Now, I've got nothing against outsiders, provided they're the right kind of people. The kind of folk who look and talk and act like us. Like peas in a pod and birds of a feather.

Mildred Layton

Josh: I really need to get back to New York.
Emma: But you can't! I mean, it isn't safe. It's filled with gambling and crime and poor souls who've tried to make it big but can't go back home because of foolish pride.
Josh: See, that's what I love about New York.

I didn't become a surgeon for fellowships. I did it because I wanted to help people without having to talk to them.


Doc Lopez: My number one of the day... Well, it was me. I was a horrible doctor.
Melissa: No! Although, maybe you could prescribe less radium water.

Show me any other man more tender or expressive. / I only wish that, nightly, he were slightly more aggressive. / Sometimes it may seem that he is too good to be true / Like there's a man that I can't see just aching to break through. / I wish I could free him / So I could finally see him / The way he truly is and let him shine. / He's a queer one / That man o' mine!

Florence (singing)

Josh: You didn't tell me there were going to be naked people.
Melissa: I didn't know. Dave didn't mention it. Oh no, is Dave going to be naked?
Josh: His character is called The Unprotected Secret Truth so I'm thinking yes. I cannot see Dave naked.
Melissa: Sure you can. We're doctors.
Josh: I operate on knees. This is way above my pay grade.

Doc Lopez: Then you showed up, standing up to me, speaking your mind. Yes, initially, I hated it, but now I've realized that you were right and I was wrong about everything.
Melissa: That's the sexiest thing any man has ever said to me.

Romance in musicals isn't always logical. That's why they usually let the songs do the heavy lifting.


Schmigadoon! Quotes

What, so one kick and, apparently, MAGIC?


Josh: I usually give it a kick.
Melissa: Oh, really?
Josh: Yeah. Right there. I could do it for you if you'd like.
Melissa: Nah, I've been doing all my own kicking since third grade.