Emma's made it abundantly clear she's got no use for marriage. I wish I had had her strength.

Reverand Layton

Emma: I couldn't sleep so I cleaned out Carson's closet. I thought the poor could use these.
Reverand Layton: Emma, this is wonderful! We needed more sailor suits!

Josh: I'm stuck here because apparently there's no way for me to find true love. Whatever that means.
Rev. Layton: Well, the Good Book has something to say about that. True love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. In other words, it's a lot of work. So, it's probably not something you find. It's probably something you make.

Melissa: It's like you are incapable of doing anything but whatever takes the least amount of emotional effort.
Josh: For the record, I don't know how you define effort, but there was a huge dance number.

I didn't know about this until ten seconds ago but now it's my only dream.

Schmigadoon Woman

And Grandpa said, when he'd crossed that bridge with Grandma, that he knew without a doubt that it was true love. He called it the Skinner Feeling. So which of you ladies wants to cross this bridge with me? Let's move it along 'cause there may or may not be a farmer who wants to kill me.


How are you finding your rooms at the Inn? I always use a long piece of string tied to the doorknob.


We're smart. We found our way out of IKEA. We'll find a way out of here.


Josh: You know how much I hate musicals. People don't just burst into song in real life.
Melissa: Well, you seem okay with magical hammers that come back when you call them.
Josh: That's totally different. Thor is the god of thunder and, of course, Mjolnir comes back when he calls.

Melissa: What? It's charming.
Josh:Charming? It's Wicker Man.

Josh: What's with all the fake plants?
Melissa: Maybe they're conserving water.

Josh: I don't know what the point of this is at all.
Melissa: You don't want to make our relationship better?
Josh: Our relationship is fine. It's... fine. I mean, why does everything have to be perfect? Why can't it just be enough?

Schmigadoon! Quotes

What, so one kick and, apparently, MAGIC?


Josh: I usually give it a kick.
Melissa: Oh, really?
Josh: Yeah. Right there. I could do it for you if you'd like.
Melissa: Nah, I've been doing all my own kicking since third grade.