I never know what this job will bring, but it is always exciting.


Sometimes it is okay to admit you don't know all the answers.


There could be anthrax back there!


Tools don't let you down. People do.


Alright, hide the mugs. I'm coming down.


You'll have to forgive Mr. O'Brien. He is a genius but impolitic.

Agent Gallo

You cross me on this, I'll go online, and in less than an hour, I will erase you.


How can it be top secret if the guy who set up our wireless is working on it?


Scorpion Quotes

Sly: I could have ingested a toxin!
Ralph: Why don't you ingest an ice tea and calm down?

Toby: Low pair's a bad hand.
Happy: I'm about to smack a bad hand into your low pair.