Miranda: I can't believe he took your shoes!
Carrie: I know, I probably got trichinosis!
Miranda: You only get that from pork.
Carrie: Oh, well, I'm sure I stepped on a piece of it somewhere.

Sam: That was awesome.
Samantha: Yes it was.
Sam: Sam.
Samantha: Yes, Sam.
Sam: I think I love you?
Samantha: Oh, honey, that wasn't love, that was sex.

Samantha: Maybe the universe is telling me that I should fuck that cute virgin and give him that great first time experience that I never had?
Carrie: That's not karma, that's statutory rape.

Charlotte: He was so tan and muscular, and sweat ran down from his chest unto his perfectly defined stomach.
Carrie: See, you read a couple of Harlequin romances in high school and they scar you for life.

Charlotte: I'm married, I can't be looking at gardeners. This is insane.
Samantha: Honey, what's the point of being in the suburbs if you're not going to fuck a gardener?

Robber: (points a gun in her face) Give me your bag!
Carrie: What?
Robber: Your bag.
Carrie: It's a baguette.
Robber: Let me have it.
Carrie: (thinks) I couldn't believe it? Fifteen years in New York and just when the city was getting safe, I was getting robbed.
Carrie: Is this for real?
Robber: Your watch and your ring, quick.
Carrie: Jesus!
Robber: And your Manolo Blahniks!
Carrie: What? No!
Robber: Give me your fucking Blahniks!
Carrie: (thinks) These guys weren't just after money anymore, they were after fashion.

Charlotte: I don't know what it is, I'm strangely drawn to him.
Samantha: Of course you are, you know the man can plow.

Carrie: I don't understand this? I get mugged and you get him? I guess that's my karma.
Miranda: Just because he said he's gonna call doesn't mean he's gonna call.
Carrie: What are you talking about? The man was smitten with you.
Miranda: He probably wants free legal advice, that's usually my karma.

(on the phone with Miranda) Tell Detective Stevens, if he sees a woman with last years pink suede Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals, bring her in for questioning immediately.


Miranda: This is my first wake.
Carrie: Don't expect a goody bag.

Miranda: He had money set aside for this.
Carrie: It's nice. I'm dead, your not, enjoy the buffet.
Miranda: Damn it! I like him even more now. He was organized enough to have a will.

Carrie: What do I know about men? All I have is a bunch of failed relationships..
Miranda: And one affair.

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.