Mr. Mackey: Wh-wh-what you need to do, uh, Damien to be overly nice. See, n-no matter how mean the other kids are to you, just don't retaliate. Err, be passive, mmm'kay? That's what I taught the little British boy, Pip, an-and just look at how much the other children like him now!
(scene changes to the playground, a group of kids are gathered around Pip)
Clyde: I bet I could spit the most on him! (spits on his left shoulder
Bebe: Oh, yeah? I bet I could spit in his hair! (spits in his right eye)
Pip: Oh! Nice try! A little higher and you've got it!

Stan: Holy Crap Dude, Satan's huge!
Jimbo: Now that's is the guy who has been eating a lot of beef.

Kyle: You'll be sorry when you see me riding on Santa's sleigh with Mr. Hanky!
Cartman: You're not gonna ride on Santa's sleigh, 'cause you're a Jew, KYLE!

Stan: We want to commit our friend, Kyle, please.
Nurse: Reason?
Kyle: I'm a clinically depressed fecalpheliac on Prozac.
Nurse: Any allergies?
Kyle: No.
Nurse: Jacket!

Kyle: Officer Barbrady!
Officer Barbrady: What?
Kyle: Is it illegal for Jewish people to eat Christmas snow?
Officer Barbrady: Yes.

It's hard to be a Jew, on Christmas.
My friends won't let me join in any games.
And I can't sing Christmas Carols or decorate a Christmas Tree.
Or leave water out for Rudolf 'cause there's something wrong with me.
My people don't believe in Jesus Christ divinity.
I'm a Jew. a lonely Jew, on Christmas.
Hanukkah is nice but why is it
That Santa passes over my house every year?
And instead of eating ham I have to eat kosher latkes
Instead of Silent Night I'm singing
Hoo Hact Toh Gaveesh
And what the f**k is up with lighting all these
F**king candles tell me please?!
I'm a Jew. A lonely Jew.
I'd be merry, but I'm Hebrew,
On Christmas.

The Lonely Jew on Christmas Lyrics by Kyle

Right now, you're nuttier than Chinese chicken salad, mmmkay. I mean, you're one screwed up little kid, do you understand?

Mr. Mackey

Stan: You guys, I'm getting that John Elway football helmet for Christmas.
Cartman: How do you know?
Stan: 'Cause I looked in my parents' closet last night.
Cartman: Yeah, well I sneaked around my mum's closet too and saw what I'm getting. The Ultravibe Pleasure 2000.
Stan: What's that?
Cartman: I don't know but it sounds pretty sweet.

Chef: Say, where's Kyle?
Stan: We committed him?
Chef: Why?
Cartman: Cause he kept seeing this brown piece of Christmas Poo everywhere that he went.
Chef: Christmas Poo? You mean Mr. Hankey, right?
Stan: Uh oh.

Mr. Garrison: It's not my fault you're raising him Pagan.
Sheila: Jewish!
Mr. Garrison: Whatever.

Sheila: You're upsetting the Jewish community!
Mr. Garrison: You are the Jewish community!

Mayor McDaniels: Are there any questions?
(Mr. Garrison raises hand)
Mayor McDaniels: Yes, Mr. Garrison?
Mr. Garrison: Can we get rid of all the Mexicans?
Mayor McDaniels: No, Mr. Garrison, we cannot get rid of all the Mexicans.
Mr. Garrison: Rats...

South Park Quotes

(Pulls out an automatic) Hello girls! I'm the easter bunny!

Janet Reno

Chinpokomon Executive: You are American.
South Park Toy Store Owner: Yes.
Chinpokomon Executive: Ohhh, you must have very big penis!
South Park Toy Store Owner: Excuse me, I was just asking you what your up to with these toys.
Chinpokomon Executive: Nothing, we are very simple people with very small penis. Mr. Hosik's penis is especially small!
Mr. Hosik: So small.
Chinpokomon Executive: We cannot achieve so much with such small penis, but you American wow, penis so big, so big penis!
South Park Toy Store Owner: Well aah I guess it is pretty good size.