Book: You feel like home.
Burnham: So do you.

Distinguished peers, let me speak truth to you because she is unable to. She did not have the childhood I would've wished for her. I orphaned her. She may have grown up here but she was never Vulcan. She is human, through and through. And being human, she is governed by emotion and a desire to insinuate herself into certain matters of import to fill that emotional void. I maintain that that void has made her vulnerable to manipulation at the hands of the Federation.

Gabrielle Burnham

Be honest. Especially to yourself.


The sisters of the Qowat Milat bind themselves to lost causes. And, right now, there's no cause more lost than yours.

Gabrielle Burnham

T'Rina: In its desire to serve the many, the Federation ignored the needs of the few.
Saru: Did your ancestors not coin the phrase,'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few'?
T'Rina: When the people of Vulcan welcomed the Romulans home, we were forced to confront centuries of mistrust and brutality on both sides. Over time and with much effort, we earned the wisdom to know when to let go of maxims and proverbs.

Burnham: Our inquiry is entirely scientific in nature.
T'Rina: Even science cannot be separated from cultural and political context. There are always implications, as Spock himself learned.

Part of leadership is the acknowledgment that one is suited to it.


Tilly: Sir, are you asking me because I'm qualified or because I'm compliant?
Saru: I'm asking because I believe this is in the best interests of our ship.

It has been my experience that we learn our greatest lessons when we pay a heavy price.


Book: So when are we getting out of here?
Burnham: You really hate it.
Book: Hate is a strong word but I"m also living on the shuttle bay of a Federation Staship.

Tilly: Hey, um, you put me in a really horrible position with Saru and with the Admiral when you went off on your own.
Burnham: It would have been so much worse if I had told you.
Tilly: My choice. Not yours.

Burnham: You know, I never let myself look back to find out who [Spock] became.
Book: You guys are chronic over-achievers.

Star Trek: Discovery Quotes

I am neither one for following orders nor giving them. The solar winds are my mistress and I follow her wherever she beckons.


Burnham: Words aren't enough, are they? Nine hundred and thirty years.
Saru: I trust that what matters most will have endured.