Adira: Say something inspirational. Just don't make it annoying.
Burnham: Get in there before someone shoots us?
Adira: Okay.

I'm sorry, I just don't get why you're going with me? You know less about me than I do. And that's saying a lot.


I asked all of you here because we work mostly closely and have not had a moment. In fact, we have lost quite a few. Almost every culture has a ritual that gathers its moments when it can. Holds them dear. A time to take measure of loved one and what we have all accomplished together.


A year ago, you woke up with no memories and I woke up with no past.


Book: Does it feel like home?
Burnham: It's familiar but, um, far away.

Burnham: You pissed off some scary people.
Book: You helped.
Burnham: Thank you.

I've had to accept I may never see you again. You can love someone and still let them go.


Adira: Are there others like you?
Stamets: There's no one like me.

Burnham: I should have told you about my plan.
Saru: Yes, you should have. Trust must remain an assumption between us.

Kelpians have always had a deep understanding of fear and loss. Perhaps that prepared me for this.


In another world, I might've said 'Michael is somewhere, being earnest and doing the right thing' In this one, I'm not so sure.


Everything we dedicated our lives to disappeared into madness. We thought we could imagine a future and it turns out we were wrong. I adapted.


Star Trek: Discovery Quotes

I am neither one for following orders nor giving them. The solar winds are my mistress and I follow her wherever she beckons.


Burnham: Words aren't enough, are they? Nine hundred and thirty years.
Saru: I trust that what matters most will have endured.