This isn't what S.W.A.T.'s supposed to do.


You already made me feel like a fool. We don't need to keep doing it over and over again. Okay? I'm done talking about this.


You two together, it works.


Chris, you are one hell of a S.W.A.T. officer. The main reason is 'cause you've got heart. That's why I know you're the best person to take on Mama Pina's mark. As far as S.W.A.T. goes, you are leaving behind a legacy that you can be damn proud of. Two women graduated S.W.A.T Academy this year because they followed in your footsteps.


Luca: You sure you're not secretly falling for someone? Like Chris, maybe?
Street: What?
Luca: Every time her name is mentioned you light up like a ray of sunshine just got spilled.

Chris: Volunteering with you, helping these women. I've been able to help people put their lives back together. It feels good.
Mama Pina: You've really made a difference.

Nothing I say could truly prepare you. But just know this. Every time I've had to take a life, it was the only option. I did what I had to do and it saved the lives of civilians or the lives of my team.


Hondo: There is no family without you first. The rest is just...
Nichelle: What, exactly?
Hondo: A distant second.

Nothing changes the fact that S.W.A.T.'s a family. And you're already a part of it. There's a place for you here.


What if our best isn't good enough?


Street: Chris, I don't know how much longer I can do this.
Chris: I can't make you do anything you don't want to.

If you need anyone to talk to, or cry to, or stand in the freezer aisle with, I'm here. I'm the guy, okay?


S.W.A.T. Quotes

Lesson one, Street. Never be in a hurry to die.


What color you supposed to be, brother? Black or blue? You gonna have to pick.

Protester to Hondo