Red: I hope Harold is still in the office. Can you call him?
Liz: And say what?
Red: That we need his checkbook. We're throwing a party.

Liz: It's amazing. How did you convince the owner to let you use it?
Red: I haven't, but I will. Sometimes being notorious has its perks.

I'm scared of you. Now more than ever. Of who you are because it might be who I am too.


Ressler: I know this isn't politically correct right now to say this, but cops don't kill people they protect them.
Harold: Most of them do. The ones that let anger and emotion, prejudice and carelessness affect their behavior are every good cop's worst nightmare.

By the way, what's with the boots? You guys do a lot of riding?


Eww. What are you eating? It smells like duck.


Tom if I wanted to get rid of you, I'd put the bullet in your head myself.


A few thieves have been among the most honorable men I know.


Liz: Now what do you believe?
Red: That a sinner can also be a saint.

Dembe: Someone knows you're here.
Red: Goody. I was just starting to feel at home.

Is there a force in the universe more powerful than a mother's love for her child?


Man: It must be good to be home again, sir.
Red: Yeah. Well, we'll see about that.

The Blacklist Quotes

You have no idea who you're dealing with, Agent Ressler. You need to stand down.

Secret Service Agent

Did you hear me? I said I need his new name. Give it to me or I'll have the Miami Field Office tear your practice apart faster than you can say tummy tuck.
