Ah! Some things never change.

Red [to Dembe]

Harold: Tell your NSA friend he did good work. And buy hot wings for the month.
Cooper: Yeah. That's not gonna happen.

What part of "dead-end" don't you understand?

Park [to Aram]

Ressler: You don't know [Liz] like we do.
Park: Maybe that's why I can see what's really going on.

I think you understand Elizabeth, better than you want to.

Dembe [to Red]

Glen used to say "We're not here for a long time. We're here for a good time."


Park: I just thought ...
Harold: That's the problem. You didn't think. You reacted.

Miss Jessica: So, Mr. Stone, can you be discreet?
Aram: I'm Mr. Discreet.

Harold: You speak six languages?
Aram: Well, not including Latin, which I doubt would come in handy. Unless the criminal I interpreted for is the Pope. Imagine that confessional.

Have you considered simply leaving Keen alone, taking a breath to consider your role in all this?

Park [to Red]

Park: Why is it the really wealthy always want to own a restaurant?
Red: I'm sure for some it has a lot to do with glad-handing and back-slapping. For me, it was sort of a friend in need. Now it's a project. We're expanding. And this, an office, with a stove and a walk-in.

Aram: Think we'll ever hear from her?
Harold: I'm fairly confident we haven't heard the last from Agent Keen.

The Blacklist Quotes

You have no idea who you're dealing with, Agent Ressler. You need to stand down.

Secret Service Agent

Did you hear me? I said I need his new name. Give it to me or I'll have the Miami Field Office tear your practice apart faster than you can say tummy tuck.
