Becky: It turns out Glenn's not good at handling adversity.
Darlene: That is not a great sign for somebody dating a Conner.
Becky: I know, and he's a smart, kind guy, but he's falling apart here. If there's a crisis, I need a partner who's got my back, and I know it makes me sound like a jerk, but I'm seeing a side of him that I'm not crazy about.
Darlene: Well, you guys haven't been together long. If you're already seeing things that worry you, jump out of the plane now while it's over water, not later when it's over rocks and pointy things.

Darlene: What's really going on here?
Dan: I'm worried that Ann Marie's going to die and Chuck's going to be devastated. I barely got through my own loss. I don't think I have the strength to go through all that again.

Am I in the right house? Something smells good, and Harris is cooking.


Dan: Maybe we shouldn't do this. Maybe he's got another friend he's doing fun stuff with.
Darlene: What are you, eight?

Glenn: This is my chance. I can finally write my book, and you and I don't have to hide our relationship anymore.
Becky: Oh, that is fantastic. So you have some money saved up?
Glenn: Oh God, no. I'm a community college teacher. I made more money working at the Gap in high school. I'm good for three months, maybe four if I eat once a day and live in a youth hostel.

Darlene: What happened to the whole world’s screwed, and there’s nothing you can do about it?
Harris: The world is screwed, but when something like this happens in your backyard, you have two choices. I can either hide and bitch like a little punk, or I can get up off my ass and do something like a boss.

Louise: We just watched a kid get shot yesterday.
Dan: You know, I saw the same thing myself, but I’ve still got to go to work today, put a smile on my face and help the customers find the right drill bit. So if I have to joke around a little bit to get through the day, let me have that.

Are you insane? We’re the ones wandering around the house in the middle of the night. You’ve got a better chance of shooting one of us than anybody else. Just get rid of the gun!


Darlene: I’m actually relieved that Mark went to the state capitol now.
Ben: Oh yeah, because no angry mob ever storms a capitol.

Louise: This is crazy. It’s like this happens every day.
Harris: It does happen every day.

Getting this house is about me moving on and standing on my own two feet. That means not depending on my Dad for a place to live, and then if I let you cosign, I’m just depending on you for a place to live. I don’t even know what happened to me. I was always such an independent person, and I guess I kind of lost my way. But I want to walk through every room of a house and know that I got there on my own.


Darlene: The realtor says that I have to be part of a couple to have a real shot with the seller. Apparently, any big, dumb sack of male DNA will make me more attractive as a buyer.
Ben: If you’re asking me to pretend that we’re a couple, then I need to be wooed. Tell me I’m pretty.
Darlene: Okay, you’re a big, dumb sack of pretty. Now, will you go?
Ben: Now that I feel good about myself, yes.

The Conners Season 4 Quotes

It’s always hard when your menopausal kid moves out for the fourth or fifth time.


Dan: The best thing you can do is give him the space he asked for.
Darlene: Oh, yeah, I’m done with that. No good ever came from a man thinking too long.