When I first saw him, all I could see was Eobard Thawne. But when I saw him, when I really saw Harry for who he was, I became his friend. He became mine.


Crisis of infinite Wells.

He's probably out there looking for another body right now, like a red-eyed, pissed off Voldemort.


It was my fault. She only did what I taught her to do. It was my fault.

You think that Nash and I are limited by our emotions. But you're wrong. They give us our strength and we can use them to overcome anything, including you. That's your greatest flaw Thawne. Metas are the ones with limits, not people. Not me. And not Nash.


Thawne: You were an awful father to her.
Barry: I miss my daughter every day. But I'm done letting that give you power over me.

Barry: You want Nash, you're gonna have to go through me.
Thawne: Aren't you a glutton for punishment? Always there to bear witness to the death of someone you're trying to desperately save.

The Flash isn't supposed to have limits, Iris.


You know what I found out about Artificial Speed Forces? Thawne built one, and that's it. And I doubt he's gonna tell us, seeing how he's Linda Blaired our pal Nash and you know, he kinda wants to murder the hell out of us.


The Flash Season 6 Episode 15 Quotes

The Flash isn't supposed to have limits, Iris.


You know what I found out about Artificial Speed Forces? Thawne built one, and that's it. And I doubt he's gonna tell us, seeing how he's Linda Blaired our pal Nash and you know, he kinda wants to murder the hell out of us.
