So either leave or leave me alone!

Mariana (to Lena)

Courtney: We missed you last night.
Brandon: Yeah, uh, I missed you guys too.

I don't think the universe wants us having sex.


Yeah losing is not an option, understood?


You know it would be great if you could focus a little bit more on what's going on at home too. We've got a lot on our plate right now.


I am the police officer here alright?! Please let me handle this, understand? Callie?


Its stupid for men to feel this way...I thought that when I got off that list that everything would be normal. But all I keep thinking about is how much of my life was wasted and how I'm not going to get any of that time back.


I know we're all upset about the house, but it doesn't matter where we live. A home is wherever we are together.


Callie:So it went up your nose and in your brain?
Mariana: Eh, it probably wasn't too bad. There's a lot of extra space up there.

AJ: I know how much you care about people Callie, but maybe this time you should just..
Callie: What, give up?

What kind of mom gives her 15 year old kid pot?


Emma: Are you alright?
Mariana: I still have this headache.
Emma: Maybe it's empathetic pain. What? You know like twintuition.