It's a computerized version of the worst part of human nature. And it was built by Scabbit. Therefore Scabbit is responsible.


Eli: Holiday decorations, Jackie. Not Christmas, not Jesus. Holiday.
Jackie: I have a Hanukkah, too.

Cary: What does he got?
Alicia: A whole lot of anger.

Jenna: You want to find out about Damian, don't you? That's why you're here.
Kalinda: Yeah.
Jenna: It's too bad you like Damian more than I like you.
Kalinda: Well wait till you get to know me better.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Alicia: You should get over it.
Will: Get over what?
Alicia: Me.
Will: You have an odd view of me, Alicia.
Alicia: It's just coincidence that we keep opposing each other on cases.
Will: Yes, Burl came to me think you were still working at Lockhart/Gardner and I just...

Cary: Alicia, we can't make money on this.
Alicia: Yes, we can.

Cary: Alicia, he's trying to play you. You're doing what he wants, you're being played. He wants you to think how low it is of him, so don't!
Alicia: You're right.
Cary: Where you goin'?
Alicia: To change.

Kalinda, I told you I'd give you five minutes. Don't waste 'em.


It doesn't matter. Peter is in real trouble, Eli. He's in trouble for one reason. Will Gardner.


You wanna get me to talk, just say talk. Don't play games.


You have a great talent for turning friends into enemies.


Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
