I think I've just been visited by the Marlboro Man.


"See I have a lot of friends I'm sure you do to but the only difference is my friends are not in homeroom. So I want you to listen to me, stop tweeting, if you tweet I will know you tweet and I will...have you seen drag me to hell? It will be just like that."

Eli Gold

That's the problem with good deeds. They multiply.


Jackie: My son will not be made weak.
Peter: You are one scary mom.
Jackie: And you are one good son.

Peter: Help me. If you're right, help me.
Alicia: No.

Eli: If I could be so bold.
Alicia: You can't.
Eli: Right. Got it.

Have you seen reality TV during the day? It's like, I don't know, the last days of Pompeii.


Diane: This is a power play, pure and simple.
Will: Nothing here is pure, and nothing here is simple.

I always liked you.

Kalinda [to Peter]

Diane: Didn't we agree to not take this?
Will: No, we agreed to cut the flowers and the paper cups. The least I can do is take the cases I want.
Diane: You sure this isn't pride?
Will: Of course, it's pride. What's wrong with pride? Pride built the pyramids.
Diane: And Watergate.

He's so liberal, he makes Michael Moore look like Rush Limbaugh.


This is like watching a baby seal being clubbed.


Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
