Abigail: I don't want to break up tonight!
Donovan: Then we won't. The only thing that can break us up is us.
Abigail: I don't think it's that easy. We have to find the other part of the cipher. Cracking the code is our best change to break the curse.

Sydney: My paper had a lot of research. Critical perspectives.
Cassie: But it didn't have yours.

Stephanie: Only you could make a hospital gown look cute.
Sam: She really DOES love you.
Adam: It could be the sedative talking; I love you both.

Joy: I was wrong about the dream.
Abigail: Wrong how?
Donovan: We don't break up?
Joy: No, you have to.
Abigail: What are you talking about?
Joy: Breaking up is your only chance of being together.

I'm confident you're going to get that movement back.


Claire: Can I just say, you look fantabulous!
Martha: Oh, and you look... actually, you're positively glowing!

Stephanie: Right now, the chaplain could use a chaplain.
Cassie: Right now, the chaplain could use a Stephanie.

Sometimes, when we get to know someone, we get to know ourselves even more.


Martha: Ah! There's something on the wood!
Joy: [reading] A breaking heart can only stop with luck, love, and one teardrop.
Martha: That's an intriguing little limerick. Lucky is clearly the emerald.
Joy: Love is the ruby.
Abigail: And if the teardrop is the diamond.
Joy: Finding it would stop the heart from breaking.
Abigail: Which would break the curse!

Claire: What I don't see is a baby section.
Martha: Perhaps we should think outside the crib. Oh! For example, these owl bookends would quite be a hoot!

Claire: Dylan and I are a little less hoot and far more elegant.
Martha: Oh. Far be it for me to want to liven up the baby's room.

Sam: You made me a mix-tape?
Adam: Yeah! I know how you like to play music while you're in the OR.
Sam: [laughs] You didn't have to bring your own.
Adam: Oh, yes I did. That '80s pop you're playing? Isn't gonna cut it.
Sam: What's wrong with '80s pop?
Adam: So many things.

Joy: I think this is a lot to take.
Abigail: Welcome to being a Merriwick.

Good Witch Quotes

Sam: So, when's the big day gonna be?
Cassie: Halloween.

Emma: I was really hoping that we could get here at the same time, but, well, you'd have to talk to our commanding officers about lining up our schedules.
Stephanie: I don't think I'm powerful enough to be listened to by the united states marines.
Emma: Yeah. I wish I knew someone who was.