Jacob: I smell a rat. Is that what you're saying?
Eve: Close enough.

Jacob: You feel better about yourself now?
Ezekial: Actually, I do.

Benny: What's your scam?
Cassandra: No scam. Just math.

Fortuna, kiss off!

Eve [to Fortuna]

Flynn: The life I take has to be my own. You know that as well as I do.
Charlene: Yes, but I just needed to hear you say it.

How many Librarians does it take to get Jenkins out of the box?!


Jake [to Eve]: Sneaking around? Withholding? I mean, that’s something Flynn would do--
Flynn: Hey! But he’s right.

Ezekiel: Great. A scavenger hunt.
Cassandra: Our whole *job* is a scavenger hunt!

You finished with your little soliloquy? Because I’m tired.


General Rockwell: You don’t just expect me to hand [the artifacts] over, do you?
Jake: You really think after what you’ve seen today that they’re safest with you?
Cassandra: I’m sure you’ll do a great job taking care of the Loch Ness monster!
Ezekiel: And no one will accidentally open up Pandora’s box!
Jenkins: Or touches Midas’s hand.
General Rockwell: We are not fools! We are trained to deal with any--
Flynn [pointedly]: Or open up an Egyptian god’s sarcophagus and end up becoming possessed.

A man who eats crackers in bed wakes up feeling crumby.

Monkey King

Do you guys always do a recap before you go on a job? No wonder your missions take so long.


The Librarians Quotes

Eve: You call Excalibur, 'Cal'?
Flynn: We're friends. Best friends. Besties, really.

Eve: How did you know all that?
Flynn: I'm the Librarian.