Every time we shower together, he makes a donation to the Vatican.


Tamra, you have hurt a good, if not weird, man's spirit. I have had enough of this BS dog allergy.


[voicemail] Annette can't come to the phone because I've gone back to work cleaning hotel rooms, so as to not burden my son.

Mindy: Can you please just call your mother. She's probably over it by now.
Danny: Italian people don't get over things. They let it fester and ferment and grow stronger over time. That's why our wine is so good.

Mindy: I don't know what you could've wished for, you already have the greatest sons in the whole world.
Annette: That's very sweet, dear, but I wished that the mean waitress at our favorite diner would die.

Annette: I only watch Castle.
Mindy: He writes mysteries and he solves them? That is a great idea for a show.

Morgan: Are you talking about Dr. Reed kissing your girlfriend or this directly applicable to this situation?
Peter: No. The latter, dude.
Morgan: What ladder?

OK, fine, you can meet her. I just can't listen to one of your cookoo plans before 10am.


The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

Morgan: Are you talking about Dr. Reed kissing your girlfriend or this directly applicable to this situation?
Peter: No. The latter, dude.
Morgan: What ladder?

OK, fine, you can meet her. I just can't listen to one of your cookoo plans before 10am.
