We spent 3 weeks debating whether or not we were going to have a scented candle in your bathroom. Which, to your credit, saved our relationship.

Annette: Bring dessert.
Mindy: Oh, I shouldn't bring dessert, I'll just eat it in the car.

Mindy: This isn't one of thos guilt dinners where you guilt everyone is it?
Annette: No. Guilt dinners are only for you and they may need to stop because its getting expensive.

Mindy: I mean look how he reacted to your news. He didn't even show up to the party and that's just you.
Peter: Tough to hear it phrased that way, but I understand what your saying.

Hey bitches, the bi-coastal babe is back. #itshappening.

Just because I look like Olivia Pope does not mean I know how to disappear a body.

Not to brag, but I am straight up killing this bitch. The program, not the patient.

Rob: You know what else is interesting? Since Alex has been here, you haven't mentioned the love of your life once.
Mindy: What are you talking about? I've talked about spare ribs like 10 times. Oh, Danny!

All my alumni email goes to spam because they're always asking me for money. Because one time I fell through a stained glass window

The year, 2004. America was still able to enjoy the music of R. Kelly without feeling guilt.

Let me weave you a tale. Oh, appetizers are here.

We're out in San Francisco. The Windy City. You could meet the love of your life here. It is Sin City after all.

The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
