Danny: You sat on me!
Mindy: Yes and I farted on you, too.

I had no friends in 7th grade, so I had time to master the cross stitch.

Danny: Take her to Alcatraz.
Mindy: Oh, I would love that. What is that?
Barb: It's the world's most famous marriage, I mean prison.

I've never been that close to billionaires in person before. Oh no, Danny, do you think one of them might try to '50 Shades of Grey' me?

OK. I'm going to picture [Peter] without his personality. Woah, Peter might be hot.

You are so wise. Why are you wasting your time in medicine? You should be a life coach on 'The Biggest Loser.'

Danny: Christmas isn't about elegance, it's about a quiet night when a King was born, the Prince of Peace.
Mindy: Shut up, Linus.

Just make sure the pressure is firm and consistent, like trying to convince your boyfriend to do a couples' costume.

Peter: Mindy, your boyfriend groped me. You are a beard.
Mindy: Oh no, it's happening again.

I have never said this in the history of my life, but I think we should skip dinner.

Mindy: Kate Upton is a perfect 10.
Danny: Who's this Kate Uptown?

Hey, did this treadmill just ask for my weight? Rude.

The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
