Nic: I have your heart.
Conrad: Always.
Nic: Your patient's heart.

Micah's surgery was canceled. His heart was reallocated to Congressman Dunlap.


I'm going to cut you some slack because I know you're upset. [points to self] Chief of surgery. [points to Conrad] Resident. Try to remember that.


DEVON: Nic is really good.
IRVIN: You just noticed?
DEVON: Why didn't she want to be a doctor?
IRVIN: Because she's smart. Nurses get to spend time with patients. We don't. They have a strong union, over time, make good money. For all of residency, if you figure the hours we're working, interns and residents make minimum wage.
DEVON: Well, I still think she'd make a good doctor.
IRVIN: She's getting her Doctorate. Doctorate of Nursing.

Mina: You want me to speak to them?
Everyone [simultaneously]: No!

Nic: He's finally helping us do the right thing.
Mina: For all the wrong reasons.

Lane: Please don't question me in front of the staff, Nic.
Nic: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--
Lane: I know you didn't, and I know you won't let it happen again.

You don't have the right to play God, Conrad.


CONRAD: Look at this guy. He forgot rule number one.
DEVON: I didn't forget it. I broke it, and I will again because you are not always right. No one is. That's why this job is so difficult. And when you're wrong, I will be the first one to tell you. If you don't like that, cut me off right now. Right here. I don't care. End my career, because I am not your slave, your shadow, or your echo.
CONRAD: Devon, congratulations. You just passed Independence Day.