You know coming out in the south and living in the open like this, it's great now, but it wasn't always this easy. We're not going to start our life with a lie.


Tina's Father: Who are these men?
Bell: They are the adopted fathers.
Tina's Mother: I'm sorry?

AJ: You're giving me a patient who needs an extremely bloody surgery and asking me not to spill any blood?
Conrad: Yup.
AJ: Got it.

Myra: What's your type?
Devon: I don't have a type.
Jessica: Yes, he has a type. Dr. Pravesh's type is unavailable, either emotionally, geographically, or both.
Myra: Interesting. Next question, when your last relationship ended, what did you feel you were missing out on?
Jessica: I have this one. A baby. I'm sorry, Irving tells me everything.

Bell: Wow, I hope that little girl realizes how lucky she is.
Kit: She won't. They never do.
Jake: Her name's Lucy.
Kit: Look who just became Gramps.
Bell: I think I like it.

Conrad: Losing Mina would be a real blow to Chastain, and to a lot of us personally.
Cain: You do that she came at me first, right? I did what I had to do.
Conrad: You didn't have to do anything.
Cain: It went further than it should have, I will give you that. But I'm not alone in this. Okafor shares some of that blame.
Conrad: Whatever lets you sleep at night.

Mina: My attorney filed for an appeal, but it will be months before a decision is made either way. The Visa expires next week.
Nic: So we fight, and we continue to fight.
Mina: If it doesn't work I'll be deported, and it will be very unlikely for me to be able to return to the country. If I go to Nigeria on my own accord, I can apply to return in the future.
Nic: But it's not guaranteed.
Mina: No, it's not, which is why I need you to prepare for the worst.

Myra: I set up marriages between Indian-Americans in Atlanta.
Irving: You don't say?
Devon: Stop.
Myra: Please, I'm all over this. No ring, a faint look of desperation. You're available.
Irving: He definitely is.
Devon: No, he's not.

So, I put the baby in danger to save myself or myself in danger to save the baby? What do I do?


Let love be what guides you and let that little girl go home to the family that already loves her and the parents that already want her.


Knoll: Yes Barett.
Cain: I want you to ease up on Mina Okafor. Drop the whole thing now, the hearing, the visa, all of it.
Knoll: Sorry, Barrett that's out of our hands. It's a moving train that can't be stopped now. 

Mina: I don't know what's worse. Being deported or losing my medical license.
AJ: Listen, Mina, you are not going anywhere. You hear me?

The Resident Season 4 Quotes

Devon: How you feeling? Any jitters?
Conrad: No, I'm as happy as I've ever been. I'm marrying my soulmate.

Conrad: Slightly different guy than that jerk you met your first day of residency. 
Devon: You were just doing your job the wrong way.
Conrad: I must've done something the right way. You turned into a damn fine doctor.
Devon: Yeah, well. It hasn't always felt that way. 
Conrad: When all hell breaks loose, you find out what people are made of. You excelled.
Devon: That's very kind of you, but let's stick to you.