Damn! They're very slowly getting away!

Principal Skinner

(stealing the trampoline) Alright! I got myself a bed!


A new mood is in the air in Springfield as refreshing as a pre-moistened towelette. Folks are finally accepting their feelings and really communicating with no holding back and this reporter thinks it's about (beep)ing time.

Kent Brockman

Marge: Why do you read that 'free' column, Homer. They never have anything good!
Homer: Oh my god!
Lisa: What is it?
Homer: Tramampoline! Trabopoline! (runs off)
Bart: He said what now?
Marge: Please, don't bring home anymore old crutches!

(to trampoline) Alright, you win for now, but some day you'll rust! Rust, I tell ya! (Laughs hysterically)


Brad Goodman: Let's look at the rainbow. What's in there? Depression, insomnia, motor-mouth, darting eyes,indecisiveness, decisiveness, bossiness, uncontrollable falling down, geriatric profanity disorder or GPD, and chronic nagging...nagging...nagging... nagging...nagging.
Patty: (Punches TV) Sorry, it does that sometimes.

Brad Goodman: Troy. This circle is you.
Troy McClure: My god! It's like you've known me all your life!

Ned: (inner child) Stay the course, big Ned. You're doing super!
Homer: (inner child) Food goes in here! (talking) It sure does.
Moe: (inner child) Hey, Moe, what's-a-matter? You no talka with you accent no more. (talking) Mama Mia!

Brad Goodman: We can all learn a lot from this young man here, this...this--
Bart: Rudiger.
Brad Goodman: Rudiger. And if we can all be more like little Rudiger--
Marge: His name is Bart.

Bart: Lis', today I am a God!
Lisa: Is that why you're sitting on an ice-cream sandwich?
Bart: Eew!

Springfield will have it's first annual "Do What You Feel" festival this Saturday whenever you feel like showing up. It will be a welcome change to our "Do As We Say" festival, started by German settlers in 1946.

Kent Brockman

Mr. Burns: And I'm really enjoying this so called...iced cream!
Smithers: Sir, in the spirit of the festival and everything I'd just like to say that...I...love...you.
Mr. Burns: Hmm?
Smithers: In those colors!

The Simpsons Season 5 Quotes

Damn TV, you've ruined my imagination, just like you've ruined my ability to...uh...


Lisa: You're all forgetting the most important thing! Which is that it's wrong to imprison an animal!
Homer: Lisa, go to your room.