She was gonna kill us so I popped the bitch.


I'm not going until everyone is buckled - someone has to be the role model around here.


I work for you - I'm always ready to flea. You should know that.


Nancy: You're underage, thankfully.
Shane: I think I've earned it.
Nancy: You've gone off the deep end.
Shane: Deep end - get it.

Nancy: Shane - Don't let go of that stick thing.
Shane: It's called a mallet.

It's cool how the lights change color. Wonder if it's a salt water pool - doesn't sting your eyes like chlorine. Not that that's her problem.


If you come anywhere near my children, I'll kill you myself.


I know all the best rehab centers. I'm totally addicted to that show Intervention.


Shane: Do you ever go back to right after dad died and wish you could do things differently?
Nancy: I try not to.
Shane: I do. All the time.

Don't tell anyone I was noble.


Andy: What is the glue that holds your relationship together?
Nancy: I don't even need the choices on this one. I'm gonna say Elmer's.

What about you? You ever take a trip down to girlie town?

Celia [to stylist]