No, you don't understand. This time, I'm never goin' back.

The Man in Black

The maze isn't meant for you.


It means when you're suffering, that's when you're most real.

The Man in Black

The Man in Black: You know why this beats the real world, Lawrence? The world is chaos. It's an accident. But in here, every detail adds up to something. Even you, Lawrence.
Lawrence: What do you want from me?
The Man in Black: The maze. How do I find the entrance?

Dolores: Have I done something wrong?
Bernard: No, but there's something different about you, about the way you think. I find it fascinating, but others might not see it that way.
Dolores: Have you done something wrong?

You can't play God without being acquainted with the devil.

Dr. Ford

You know exactly what it is. It's the maze, the deepest level of this game. You're gonna help me find the entrance.

The Man in Black

Logan: I know that you think you have a handle on what this is gonna be, guns and tits and all that mindless shit that I usually enjoy. You have no idea. This place seduces everybody, eventually. But by the end you're going to be begging me to stay because this place is the answer to that question you've been asking yourself.
William: What question?
Logan: Who you really are. And I can't fuckin' wait to meet that guy.

Bernard: Do you think he had an existential crisis?
Elsie: I think there's something fucked up with his cognition, and I think you feel exactly the same way I do.

Host: You want to ask, so ask.
William: Are you real?
Host: Well, if you can't tell, does it matter?

William: So how does this work? Is there an orientation?
Host: No orientation. No guidebook. Figuring things out is half the fun. All you do is make choices.

Host: Do you often experience social anxiety?
William: What is this for exactly?
Host: So we don't give you anything more than you can handle.
William: I thought you couldn't get hurt here.

Westworld Quotes

The newcomers are just looking for the same thing we are, a place to be free, to stake out our dreams, a place with unlimited possibilities.


Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days. A purpose.
