Death bed epiphanies aren't your style, buddy.

Neal [to Mozzie]

No Peter, menacing - you look like a person whose kid just struck out.


Cigar tube nice - FBI is breaking out the Thunder Bolts for this one.


Neal [to Peter]: What do you say Newman? Ready to con the mob out of half a million?
Peter: Lead the way, kid.

No dusting, no smiling.....


Guilty people do guilty things. Am I wrong?


Elizabeth: You just happened to have the will in your pocket?
Peter: Yeah, Eagle Scout, always be prepared.

Alex [about Sara]: I think she's great.
Neal: It's not like that.
Alex: Yeah, it is.

Don't give me the be careful speech, I invented the be careful speech.


Think I'm in trouble?

Neal [about Sara and Elizabeth talking]

Elizabeth: Mozzie, Neal...what are you two doing here?
Neal: Hey Elizabeth, is Satchmo free this afternoon?

It's like their speaking Criminese.

Peter [to Jones]