Maggie: Liza, I'm losing my mojo.
Liza: Oh, come on. I heard someone sneaking out of your room last night.
Maggie: That was me sneaking into the fridge.

Liza: I think we just found our seasoned slut.
Diana: Stop.
Liza: Sorry.

Liza: Don't read into it. It's just a pop culture hot or not list.
Kelsey: Charles is hot and I'm not?

Diana: Did you see this, Kelsey? Your decapitated head is hovering between low brow and despicable right next to Disney live-action remakes and nude restaurants.
Kelsey: Yeah, I saw it, Diana.
Diana: How unflattering to crop you right at your chin. A head without a neck is like a kite without a string just a floating tragedy.

Charles: You're enjoying this.
Liza: Maybe I am. What choice do I have? Be mad at you or be better?

Bronwitz: I bet any man would let the two of you blow him.
Liza: Let?
Bronwitz: Women my age have to work hard for that BJ, and we are better at it. Am I right?
Diana: Do people think I'm her age?

Listen, you are energetically inflamed. Alright, your aura is like a cartoon bird that just ate a pepper.


Zane: Money isn't everything. Sometimes, it's about charm.
Kelsey: Oh, so you slept with her? God, that is completely unethical. And so creepy.
Zane: But it's fine when you do it?
Kelsey: I only slept with my authors after they signed.

Kelsey: Let's just make sure she re-ups her contract.
Diana: As the boss, I suggest you make that happen. She's a cash cow, and Millennial could use the milk.
Kelsey: Did you have to say that?
Diana: I did.

Kelsey: I assume you saw Quinn Tyler's story in the Times, and the Post, and Wired.
Redmond: I did. Kelsey, you're a messy bitch who lives for drama. I stan.

I swear, the only thing white women love more than Pinterest is murder.


Dreams we have as a child, dreams we pack in a box for college, dreams you unpack when you move into your first apartment, who you’ll meet, where you’ll work, who you’ll fall in love with. Think you have it all figured out. Life has better ideas. A bigger imagination takes bigger chances than someone like me a year ago moving through her forties in a cloud of old ideas. Life gives you more than you thought but maybe not in the package you expected. It’s deeper than that. It’s what you need underneath the want. It gives you what you can’t breathe without. So go ahead and plan, just know when all your scheming, and planning, and hoping is done, life plans back.


Younger Quotes

It's like Goodnight Moon for adults. With blow jobs!


Wow. If she was OK with the sex change, maybe this won't be such a big deal.
