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Owen goes to therapy and does some different techniques which jars his fear of clown that he keeps denying until he has nightmares and other things about them.

Owen has a panic attack when they respond to a call where a father dresses up as a clown to sneak into his son's birthday party against the custody arrangement and falls through the stage.

TK takes him a lizard that a man stabs when stabbing himself and the lizard goes into his leg. Carlos is not pleased about the new addition which keeps escaping the case at every turn, but he's willing to put up with it for TK. TK eventually lets it free.

After a bad call in which the maps and plans were faulty and Dave sends a man into a room that he can't escape from and eventually dies from a fire, Grace tries to comfort him.

It's Dave's first loss ona call, so she invites him to dinner which turns into Dave crashing on thier couch after Judd invies him to because his pipes aren't working at his apartment. It drives Grace nuts.

Dave eventually leaves not long after he fails to film Charlie taking her first steps while babysitting her.

Owen's sessions prompt him to call to speak to his estranged father, Walter.

9-1-1: Lone Star
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