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Someone has an allergic reaction to the almond milk that she puts in her coffee and her tongue sweels outside of her mouth. Her colleague jams her with the  epi pen and her tongue only gets worse.They have a big save.

Grace and Judd have dinner with Grace's parents and they notice that Charlie is getting bigger. They want to start babysitting her and seeing her more now that she's getting bigger. Tensions are still high between Grace and her father.

When a babysitter cancels, Judd lets Grace's parents babysit instead even though Grace is upset about it.

Judd tells Grace that it's not right that she's not letting her parents be around the baby.

Grace is still upset that she has  to keep this secret and Judd tells her that it's not healthy how she's going about things now and needs to for.

Owen and Kendra have another roll in the hay and bond with each other. Whiel they're still in bed, her husband shows up. Owen is confused by the whole thing.

Brett shows up at the station to get sunglasses from Owen. He ends up announcing that their business in front of the whole station and people make jokes and have reactions.

An hour later they end up at the house again because Brett is stuck under Kendra's car after rotating her tires. He has a severe compund fracture.

It's awkward for everyone around. Kendra shows up and rushes to be with Brett.

Kendra wants to thank everyone for helping her husband by hiring a full sushi staff to serve them.

Kendra tells Owen that things are dead between her and her husband and Owen tells her that things are still there between them. Owen breaks up with Kendra. Brett is happy about it.

Brett is in his cryo chamber and freezes to death.

Owen tries to do compressions on Brett, but  he's so frozen that his bones and all break underneath him. Brett is dead. They bring Kendra back with them to the station.

Owen takes Kendra home with him.

Grace's mother calls in beause her hsuband has a heart attack.

Grace tries to talk her mother hrough the call when her boss takes over for her.

He had a severe heart attack and needed a bypass surgery. There's some damage that could be permanent and he'll be on a ventilator. Grace wants to contact her sisters.

Grace and Judd talk about everything and her mother overhears her and knows about the affair and it didn't ruin them.

She forgave him and no Grace is realizing that she needs to forgive her father too.

Grace goes in to be with her father. She talks to him and apologizes and starts singing and her sisters arrive at that time and join her, singing Smile.

Their father wakes up.

Kendra tells Owen about they fought and how she wished him dead. Gabriel calls him and tells him that they're investigating the death as a homicide because Brett was poisioned.


9-1-1: Lone Star
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Judd: You can't keep doing this. This ain't healthy for anybody.
Grace: Yeah. I know.
Judd: So you either got to go and fully have it out with that man about what he did, or you need to let go and let God.

Nancy: And let that be a lesson to you; once that thing is on, it stays on.
T.K.: Oh, that's the plan.