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Gabriel shows Owen some information about Brett's death and Kendra's past history since Owen is about to be family.

Owen tells Gabriel that he broke things off with Kendra because he didn't want to be with a married woman, which seems like motive for Gabriel. And he shows Owen information about Kendra's previous husband dying on their honeymoon after a fight.

When Owen gets to the station, Kendra is already there and has already guessed that they think she murdered her husband.

Owen tells Kendra that he believes her and now he wants to help her prove that she's not guilty. Owen wants to enlist Paul to help him figure out if Kendra is innocent.

Paul goes on a whole spiel until he figures out who stole his pudding and it was carlos.

After some laundry of Trevor's is at the house people start talking about him and Tommy being together. Grace overhears it.

Grace tells Tommy what happened. tommy doesn't care but Grace is more worked up about it.

They have Bible study and some of the other parishioners feel that

Paul investigates the house and comes up with some theories. While there, the Rangers including Gabriel show up at the house to speak with Kendra.

They all take off in another car and go to Owen's.

Gabriel shows up at  Owen's place but Paul has something to show them all. They realize that the dog was poisoned too and the posiion only incapacitated Brett but didn't kill him so the posisoning happened while they went on their walk.

Tommy tells Trevor about the gossip when they're on a date, and it bothers him.

Trevor tells Tommy that he left his church in Kansas because of the gossip mill at the church when his ex wife was having an affair with the choir director and tha'ts why the elder board removed him from the church.

Trevor breaks up with Tommy because he doesn't want to go through that again or put Melody through it. She tries to tell Trevor not to let them do that to them.

they find out from the vet that Brady had pesticides and Kendra takes them to teh stables where Brett had a horticultural hideout with pesticides for his plants. Paul concludes that Brett poisoned himself while there.

Paul sucessfully clears Kendra's name.

tommy wants to move to a new church because of everything and Grace and Judd support her and give advice.

Gabriel is annoyed with Owen for going behind his back and betraying his confidence.

Kendra shows up to stay at Owen's place again and they agree to be friends.

Paul realizes that Brett was trying to poison Kendra with the booze he got for her brithday and had been trying to kill her the whole time. Kendra drank it and is using motor function.

Owen starts giving her CPR even though the poison could kill him too. They wait for the ambulance to come.

EMS brings Kendra back and Owen passes out. They'ere both in the hospital when he wakes up.

Paul realizes that Brett was trying to cut the b rake lnes to Kendar's car and it was true.

Tommy shows up to church in all red and wants to speak at the pulpit.

Trevor kisses Tommy in front of the church.






9-1-1: Lone Star
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