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A woman prepares for a facelift and goes under anesthesia. She awakens and finds that everyone in the room has passed out mid-surgery. Bobby and company show up and discover that a pipe was leaking, rendering everyone unconscious. 

Bobby meets Athena's parents for the first time.

Maddie and Buck discuss why Maddie won't date Chimney, while Chimney talks about Maddie with his new friend Jason (who is actually her estranged husband Doug). 

A truck carrying a rehabilitated shark crashes on the freeway and a man who was attempting to give the shark water gets his arm trapped in his jaw. The shark is eventually freed and the firefighters help return him to the ocean. 

Athena's mother, Beatrice, chastizes Bobby for attempting to assert his authority over the children and she and Athena then have a disagreement. 

Maddie gets a call from a boy who claims that his father is doing something bad. The father eventually gets on the phone and says that everything is okay, but Maddie still feels uneasy and calls in a welfare check. Athena goes to the residence, but the son once again maintains he's okay. 

Upon listening to the 911 call again, Athena and Maddie discover there was another person in the house. After sending the mans trash to the lab, Athena discovers that the son isn't really the man's child, but a kidnap victim from years prior. And they also discover that the man has recently kidnapped another child. 

After the older boy contacts Maddie and puts him in touch with Athena, he and the younger boy are rescued and returned to their parents. 

Maddie prepares to go on a date with Chimney but as he is walking to her home, he is stabbed by Doug. He then enters Maddie's house and knocks her out. 

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9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Maddie: Why is it every girl you date wants to either flee the state or country?
Buck: Well at least when I date someone, I date them. What's your excuse?
Maddie: What are you talking about?
Buck: How's Chimney?

Who are you to give orders? They are not your children. And you are not their father. I was very sorry to hear about your family situation, but my grandchildren are not your consolation prize.

Beatrice [to Bobby]