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Athena and Bobby arrive in Florida and find out Samuel is in a coma after his stroke.

A man, Benjamin, discovers his lawn is slopping and sets out to find out why. It's revealed that his wife is having an affair with their neighbor, Gary, and they created an underground tunnel for him to travel back and forth between their houses. Benjamin blew up the backyard causing Gary to become trapped underground.

The 118 are able to extract Gary, and Benjamin is arrested for attempted murder.

Hen continues to study for her finals and runs herself ragged between studying and being captain. She also takes her finals, and on the way home, she falls asleep at the wheel, narrowly avoiding an accident.

Athena and Bobby look to fix Beatrice's house with the help of a handyman Athena knew from childhood, Junior. This causes friction between Athena and her mother.

At a Happiness Symposium at a convention center, a structural collapse causes a group of friends and a worker to become trapped underneath the rubble. The 118 works to free two of the friends and the worker but cannot save the last friend, who succumbs to his injuries.

Hen finds out she failed her neurology final and who have to repeat her second year of medical school. Karen tells Hen she has to choose between being a paramedic or a doctor.

Athena returns home from visiting her father and finds the police at her parent's home. Bobby tells her that while he and Junior were working on the house, they found a body underneath it.


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9-1-1 Season 6 Episode 2 Quotes

Athena: You think you can get this car out of here by yourself?
Bobby: Big, strong fireman.

Eddie: Hey, Cap!
Hen: Don't call me that.