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  • Deavan and Jihoon move into a new apartment together and buy a new dog. They seem to be doing well together and everything is good. 
  • Deavan and Jihoon talk about having an official wedding. Deavan wants to start planning it because they didn't have one before and Jihoon agrees. 
  • Ari is worked up about the baby and getting a c-section. She talks to her mother who is bummed that they won't be there yet. 
  • Ari is taking in for her c-section, but she starts freaking out about everything. Eventually they put her under general anestia and deliver the baby. He doesn't cry at first, but he ends up being healthy and fine. 
  • Ari adores her baby, but she and Bini can't agree on a name. And Bini and his family still want to baptize the child, which Ari is resistant to doing. 
  • Bini tells his sister that he fears if he doesn't appease Ari, that she could leave with his son like his ex-wife did, and he'll never see him again. They have to get last minute things for the baby since he came early and Ari's mother is bringing all the baby stuff with her. 
  • Armando and Kenny sit down with Hannah and tell her about the engagement and such. Hannah is thrilled at having two dads. 
  • Armando then talks to his mother who says she was upset about him not sharing the engagment news with her first. But she also wants him to have a lowkey thing instead of a full wedding when he tell her he wants a full wedding. 
  • When they all have to say goodbye, it's emotional and everyone is crying. Armando's father does come out to hug his son and Hannah and say goodbye. He shakes Kenny's hand too. 
  • Brittany is still in Chicago and meets her niece. She talks to her family about Yazan. Meanwhile Yazan talks to his best friend to update him on what happened. 
  • After Brittany left, Yazan's father forbade him from marrying her because he feels like Brittany is just playing Yazan. Yazan didni't agree, and his father kicked him out and fired him. Yazan had to find a new place and a new job and Brittany wasn't answer his calls. 
  • His friend doesn't believe that Brittany has Yazan's best interest in mind either. 
  • Melyza tells Tim about the person she was seeing, and he's upset about it. While talking to her mother, it sounds like their relationship should be over. 
90 Day Fiance: The Other Way
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