A Messy Divorice - Accused
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Morgan sits in a cell, eating. Se spills peas and begins to roll the peas back and forward with her fingers,

We cut to her in a classroom teaching; she takes candy away from a student who sneaks candy again after she sits down. He begins to choke, and a substitute teacher comes in and gives him the Heimlich maneuver.

He saves Luther and introduces himself to Morgan. His name is Kashir.

After school, Kashir approaches her on his bike. She has a flashy yellow Porsche. She explains it's a gift from her husband that she doesn't like. They part ways, and she realizes her tire is flat. She calls her husband to pick up their son, and he refuses. He rudely disconnects from her after passing the pickup to his assistant.

Jason, her husband, is a very successful Wall Street broker.

Morgan tells her son goodnight and apologizes that she will miss his recital. She is going on a work trip.

Jason arrives home and asks about her suitcase. She reminds him that she will be gone and he must attend the recital. He is very unenthused but finally agrees.

The next day, Kashir offers to drive Morgan to the train station. He asks to buy her a drink, and she reminds him that she is married.

Jason arrives to take Ari to his recital and hears that Morgan's train has derailed and that there are multiple injuries. He calls his brother, a police officer, to get information because Morgan isn't answering the phone.

Jason's brother, Eric, is in the car with a CI and tells him he will find out what he can. They aren't close, so he texts him his address.

Morgan is in a hotel kissing Kashir. Morgan feels guilty.

After she sees dozens of missed calls from her husband, Morgan answers a call from her principal and is informed about the accident. She turns on the news.

His brother stops by and meets Ari, who doesn't know his uncle. Ari goes to bed, and Morgan comes in. Jason demands answers. She asks for a divorce.

He asks who the other man is, and she refuses to answer. They argue, and he gets verbally aggressive and in her face. He lists everything he has given her, and she insists on a divorce. He tells her she isn't taking his kid.

She tells him she is sleeping in the guest room.

Back in court, she is charged with an A-1 Felony and pleads Not Guilty.

Back in school after that night, Kashir and Morgan speak about their night and how she asked for a divorce. She explains that he was a catalyst but not the reason. She thanks him for helping her.

Jason gets a promotion and is hesitant to celebrate.

Morgan speaks to a lawyer and tells her how they met and how Jason's desire for prosperity tore their marriage apart.

Jason storms into the guest bedroom drunk. He brags about how he made another million while she was cheating on him. He climbs on top of her, claims the apartment and her, and attempts to force himself on her. She fights him off, and Ari comes into the room. She runs to Ari and comforts him, and then pushes Jason out of the room.

She tells him never to touch her again and threatens to call the police.

Three months later, they meet with the mediator and their attorneys, and Jason suddenly asks for custody of Ari. Jason heard that Ari would meet Kashir, which motivated his response.

His attorney tells him the judge won't go for that. Jason threatens to get another attorney.

In the elevator, Jason tells Morgan that he always gets what he wants.

Kashir and Morgan talk about the case and his meeting with Ari.

Jason's attorney tells him the judge blocked the motion for custody. Jason declares he won't stop.

Ari and Kashir meet and hit it off. They play Fortnite together.

They eat at a restaurant together, and Morgan is pleased that Kashir and Ari get along. She asks why he's sticking around, and they admit they like each other and kiss.

Jason sits in the car and watches.

Jason calls his brother Eric and comes by their house. His wife, Regina, is skeptical of his intentions. Jason and Eric sit outside, and Jason tells him about the divorce and implies he wants Kashir murdered. He blames Kashir for it all.

Eric refuses and tells him that if anything happens to Kashir, Jason will go to prison. Jason appeals to their brotherhood and asks him will he please find another way to deal with this.

Jason happily takes Ari and is extremely friendly to Morgan. He tells her he is dropping the custody case. As they walk off, she looks suspiciously at their departure.

The police stop Morgan and Kashir on their way out of town. The police refuse to answer her questions. They demand she and Kashir out of the car and look in her trunk. They find cocaine in the trunk in Ari's bag, and they are both arrested.

She meets with her lawyer, who informs her they found 5 kilos of cocaine, scales, and baggies in her apartment. She tells the lawyer her husband set her up.

Morgan's lawyer attempts to get her out on bond, but the prosecution has a surprise witness. The witness is Eric's Confidential Informant. Eric coaches him on the story and shows him pictures of Morgan.

Morgan has visitation with Kashir. They dropped his charges. Morgan is distraught and tells Kashir that she doesn't know the witness.

Morgan tells him that Eric had something to do with it.

Regina asks Eric did he have something to do with Morgan getting arrested. She tells him he has a soft spot for his brother and is concerned with his drinking.

Jason gets on the stand and lies. He tells the jury that she has expensive tastes and needs to keep up with her expenses. 

Morgan yells out that Jason is lying, and the judge orders a recess while she calms down.

Eric is having second thoughts. He begs him to consider Morgan. Jason threatens that if he tells the truth, Eric will also go down.

Regina shows up at the courthouse and demands answers. No one answers her.

The CI, Mr. Delgado, tells the jury that Morgan was his dealer. Morgan writes something on a legal pad for her lawyer.

Morgan's attorney asks for details and pokes holes in the story. The attorney questions Delgado about her vehicle. He is unable to describe it.

He alleges he bought drugs from her twice a week for three months and that the car may have been a dark regular car. The attorney tells him it was a yellow Porsche.

The judge drops the charges and blames the police for their bogus charges. Morgan hugs Kashir. Eric follows his brother out of the courtroom, and the police arrest him in front of Regina.

At a park, Kashir, Morgan, and Ari throw frisbees. As Ari runs to get the frisbee, Morgan and Kashir hug. Jason appears in the woodline.



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Accused Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Morgan: Jason, it's my career.
Jason: Based on what they pay you, it's more like a hobby.

Kashir: This ride you?
Morgan: In the sense that it belongs to me, yes. In the sense that it speaks to my identity, no. No. I didn't pick it out. I like the color though.