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Damon is still giving Simone the silent treatment after a week. JR tries to intervene and mentions he's quitting baseball.

Damon's mom is visiting. She wants to watch a game, purely as a mom.

Coach Marcus says a local restaurant is hosting a fundraiser for the team to get young boys interested in baseball. Santiago is the new catcher.

Damon isn't happy with Santiago being the catcher. Marcus is worried something else is wrong.

Everyone is cooing over baby Shay. Tina Hicks arrives unexpectedly.

Amara thought it was a good time to connect. Simone reluctantly agrees to do brunch.

JR goes home and finds out they sold the house already.

Simone and her mom walk around the museum looking at those photos. They share an impulsive hug, which a photographer captures. They're doing a spread on Tina and Simone feels used.

Damon loses it on the field when Santiago doesn't catch anything. The coach makes them work the fundraiser, so they learn to get along.

Damon's mom reminds him he has a family on and off the field.

Damon and Santiago reach an understanding and inspire some kids.

Simone tells off her mom. The sisters face off. Tina dropped out of law school, so Amara could finish college, and now Tina is disappointed in Amara's life.

While babysitting baby Shay, the toddler screams nonstop. Damon arrives and gets him laughing. He and Simone make up.

JR''s mom warns her husband not to turn his back on their son as he did to her. JR looks shocked.

Damon talks to him about finding his birth parents.

JR arrived at the family dinner and thought he and Damon should get a DNA sample.


All American: Homecoming
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All American: Homecoming Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Tina: it's a shame the adopted mom and Shay couldn't stay for dinner.
Simone: She has a name. It's Shanelle.

You just told me you were splitting up and now you're selling the house? You're not even going to see a marriage counselor. You're just done. Just like that?