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Coop was a person of interest in Tyrone's shooting but she says the police have moved on to other suspects.Coach Billy confronts Asher and he confesses to steroid use. Billy lets him stay on the team if he gets off steroids and reports for daily urine tests. Billy is moving Spencer to halfback. Laura can't tell Spencer officially if Coop has been cleared but she tells him unofficially he's right to worry and that Coop should get a good lawyer. Laura tells Simone she needs to come up with a plan for after the baby comes. Layla wants to pay for Coop's lawyer. Coop is mad at Spencer about that attorney freaking out her parents. The custodian found a vial of steroids in the locker room and brought it to Principal London, who wants Billy to find out whose it is or he will suspend the whole team. Chris sees Olivia jump when a chair fell over. A video of Coop with a gun is leaked. Coop runs from her house. Asher and Olivia kiss and make up. Billy explains his dilemma to Laura. A warrant has been issued for Coop's arrest. Simone decides to move out to spare Jordan any more conflicted feelings. Coop goes to Patience to find her gun, but Patience had dumped it in the river. Coop meets Spencer to tell him the gun that could have cleared her is gone. Coop saw the shooter, who was Sean's mom Ru, which Spencer had figured out. So Coop is going to turn herself in instead. Billy said the steroids were his, for his bad knee, and the principal suspended him. Everyone gathered to be there for Coop when she turned herself in. But Ru had turned herself in already. 

All American
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All American Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Yo, Spence. Focus on your future.

Darnell [to Spencer]

Billy: Why would you put that mess in your system?
Asher: Pressure.

  • Permalink: Pressure.
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