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On the day of their bat mitzvah, the Kane sisters have to drive home with their mother because their father's car is too full of their gifts. As Jacob drives off, their mother gives them their necklaces and some advice.

Batwoman rescues a woman in an alley and then is summoned by the Bat Signal where she finds an unconscious and bound August Cartwright. A note in his mouth reads "Ask him about Mommy Dearest"

Jacob comes to The Hold Up and Kate reveals Cartwright and the truth about Alice.

Alice finds Mouse and he tells her the house he's been held captive in used to belong to the Red Queen.

Flashback to a visit to the Cartwright farm where Mabel Cartwright is moving in. Beth introduces herself as Alice and admires Mabel's purse. Mabel admires Alice's necklace and demands to know where she got it but Alice claims to not remember.

Kate wants to go to the police with Cartwright but Jacob knows they won't believe anything they say. Kate asks Cartwright about Mommy Dearest.

When Alice asks Mouse what's going on, he says that his father used the Fear Toxin to unlock his greatest fear and he now recognizes that Alice is his greatest fear. He turns on her and binds her to the chair. Accusing her of destroying his family, he exposes her to the Fear Toxin and it sends her into a terrifying hallucination of Mabel Cartwright.

Luke visits Mary's clinic and she introduces him to a man who claims to have seen Beth's killer's car in a junkyard.

Cartwright tells Kate and Jacob about his plan to turn Mouse against Alice using Scarecrow's Fear Toxin. He also believes that Mouse will dose her with the toxin when she finds him and if she doesn't get an adrenaline shot, she'll die.

In flashback, Mabel hits Beth/Alice for making the tea too sweet. Under the Fear Toxin, Alice relives Mabel pouring hot tea over her hands as punishment.

Mabel abuses Beth/Alice for years, into adulthood. August tells Kate and Jacob that it was Mabel who killed Alice's spark and made her numb.

Kate gives August a glass of water in an attempt to get him to give up a location but he takes the opportunity to use the glass to cut his own throat.

Luke and Mary find Cartwright's vehicle in the junkyard and find the gun that killed Beth in the trunk.

Kate calls Mary (as Batwoman) for advice on how to save August. She ends up using a staple gun to close the wound.

Luke wants to know what's going on but Mary plays coy.

Alice's nightmare morphs from Mabel to Jacob and Kate abandoning her.

Kate strikes a deal with August for the address and sends Jacob there.

Luke discovers the car was Mabel Cartwright's and he and Mary agree to tell Kate.

Alice manages to free herself but the basement door is locked when she tries to leave. Desperate, she contemplates suicide. Jacob breaks down the door and injects her with adrenaline.

While recovering, she tells Jacob that August gave Mabel earrings that belonged to Gabby Kane and which matched Kate and Beth's necklaces. August had found Gabby's head when he found Beth and had saved it in a freezer to transplant onto Mabel.

When August tells Kate, she starts to strangle him.

After Alice found her mother's head, she uses Mabel's oxygen tank as a flamethrower to light her on fire.

August dies by Kate's hand. When she realizes what she's done, she tries to resuscitate him. Jacob and Alice arrive. Jacob tries chest compressions as well to no avail.

Luke and Mark connect the dots from Mabel to August to Beth's death and reassure themselves that Kate will bring August to justice.

Kate starts to message Sophie but lets it trail off. Alice comes to get her so they can dispose of August's body.

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Batwoman Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes

Alice is playing games against the master of games. No, I'm not going to let her win.


Your dear mother is carting an oxygen tank and you greet her with an open flame? I can take a hint.

Mabel Cartwright