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We see a guy with a gun comeinto a house and shoot the occupants while classical music plays. A teenager hides in the closet and calls 911.

Baez and Danny go to the scene of a dead body. Charles Wright, 28 years old, was going to make a gun buy. Baez and Danny have just enough time to stop the buy.

A guy has his gun out in broad daylight so Danny and Baez rush in. Joe is inside with the other bad guys and fights Danny off.

Erin and Anthony are called the scene of the shooting. An ATF guy meets them. He thinks they're part of an illegal gun buying operation.

Frank tells Gormley and Garrett not to talk to the press. He is interrupted by Danny, who tells him Joe is working undercover. Frank already knows. Jamie is Joe's handler. Danny resents that he didn't know and could have killed Joe.

Joe calls Jamie. Sorry he didn't give him a heads-up. It's been a crazy few days. He doesn't want to call it off. There's supposed to be a big meeting but Joe thinks he's been made and hangs up.

Danny interrogates a gun runner who just wants to talk to the DA's office.

The teenage girl knows Max and is sure he's into something bad. She wishes she'd let the gunman kill her too.

Special Agent Rachel Weber shows up to talk to Frank. She didn't know Joe was coming to the city. Frank says she promised he would not work in NYC. He came on his own but he had a reason. She wonders if he micromanages every undercover or just Joe. He doesn't trust her. She says this an ATF operation. She can't share sensitive info. He insists he needs to know.

Baez finds out the gun runners are getting guns legally in Georgia and reselling them illegally in NYC. Jamie wants to talk to Danny privately. He knows Danny is upset but he's worried about Joe. He says Joe is worried about being made because of Danny's takedown. How did Danny find out about the guns? He wants Danny to keep him in the loop.

Erin talks to Langley and says he's looking at 25 years. Danny says tell us who killed Charles and we'll talk deal. Erin won't make a deal without info but he could go down to Criminal Possession 2nd degree, much lesser sentence. He doesn't know who the boss is but Max Fagan carries out the hits.

Joe's partner is nervously doing lottery. The boss guy shows up and wants proof they didn't tip off the cops. He calls Jamie to find out who he is and holds Joe at gunpoint til they both say Jamie drives a 71 Chevelle (like a UC wouldn't know these details?) Kenny threatens Joe and his partner and tells them they are working with Max from now on.

Baez looks at Max's record. Danny wants to arrest. Erin says there's not enough evidence. Anthony agrees with Erin that this time they need to make charges stick. Danny is desperate to get Max so Erin tells him to work with Anthony.

Frank and Jamie talk. Jamie is worried that he can't get ahold of Joe and Kenny tested him.

Anthony and Danny question Max, whose girlfriend says he was home with her yesterday. Conveniently, the memory card is full so there is no security footage.

Joe's partner warns him that Kenny is dangerous if he thinks you're disloyal. Joe gives him a medal from his dad to scratch his lottery ticket. He also tells Joe that Max is the muscle who kills disloyal people. Anyway the guy wants to win enough in the lottery he can quit the gun running business and open a crepe running business. Maybe after the next buy he can walk away. Joe thinks he should get out while he can. Joe is the only guy the suspect trusts.

Anthony and Danny fill Erin in. Special Agent Evans shows up and asks how many Reagans there are. Danny feels a need to call Evans incompetent. Anyway Ballistics has tied the murders together but not to Max. Hairs that were found were not human but the family didn't have any pets. Anthony and Danny think the hairs came from Max's dog.

Danny is annoyed with Anthony because they have to search the trash. They fight over not wanting to look through the trash. Anthony finds dog hair.

At Sunday dinner, Danny isn't talking and neither is Frank or Jamie. Erin wants to know what's going on. Danny says there is a man on the inside of the gun trafficking operation. Frank tells him just to tell them. Danny does. Erin and Eddie are shocked. Danny says Jamie knew the whole time. Sean says just like his dad, which Frank doesn't want to hear. Sean accused Frank of lying to him. Frank says no one lied, Joe reached out later and said he was working undercover. Eddie is upset that Jamie didn't tell her. Danny is upset that he might have killed Joe. Frank says he couldn't tell any of them and that's that. He walks off.

Frank and Henry talk and Henry says they are scared for Joe and will come around.

Eddie doesn't like that Jamie and his family don't talk about things. She thinks this is like how nobody talked about her dad cheating on her mom.

The dog hairs match. Erin says it's still circumstantial. Danny wants to arrest Max to buy them time. Evans says no. Danny pleads and Erin says to do it.

Baker comes in to say an angry Agent Weber is here. Frank says to let her in. Weber storms in and wants to know if Frank told Joe to only talk to Jamie. She insists he's interfering in a federal organization. She doesn't like him telling her how to run her operation. She says if something happens to Joe it's on Frank.

She leaves and Baker comes in to check on Frank. He doesn't know if things are okay or not.

Danny, Evans, and Anthony show up to arrest Max but the landlord says Max is gone.

Jamie acts as a mechanic to check out Joe's car, Joe's partner goes and Jamie tells Joe that Frank wants him off the operation. Joe doesn't want to til after the next sting. Jamie tells him if anything doesn't feel safe, back out.

Jamie comes to see Danny in a darkened office. He wants to talk to Danny about Joe. He talks about Joe Sr's death and how he was the only non-cop when Joe Sr died. Danny doesn't get it. Jamie was part of the family. Jamie says he's trying to make amends by protecting Joe Hill. Danny hopes he gets what he's looking to get out of it. He thinks Joe is in trouble and Joe is insisting on a new buy with a guy named Max Fagan. Danny tells him that Max is a real bad guy. Jamie can't reach out to Joe now. He needs Danny's help.

Erin is looking at her computer when Anthony comes in and asks who in her family is in danger. He has never seen her okay an arrest without probable cause. So who is it? She tells him Joe. She wonders if her family is cursed. Their conversation is interrupted by Sara calling. Her protective detail is gone.

Joe calls Frank to say he's okay but hangs up after just a minute when the other guy comes out of a convenience store. Frank sits at his desk thinking..

Sara is found dead. There are two bullets on the counter.

Max tells Joe they're taking his car. Joe tries to argue with him. Max gets upset. They switch cars. Danny says they won't lose him, just stay on him right now. He follows Max's car.

Erin calls Danny and tells him about Sara. Anthony has found out that Evans doesn't work for the ATF anymore.

Max wants to see Joe's phone. He throws it out the window and tells Joe to shut up.. Then he starts driving too fast and almost causing an accident.

Jamie and Danny realize Joe has been made. They have to end this now.

Erin comes to wait for news with Frank. He says Joe called a while ago and then hung up before he could ask him anything. Sid comes in with the bad news that they lost transmission with Joe and they don't know where he is.

Report of gunshots a few blocks ahead. Jamie and Danny show up at the scene of a burning car. Joe's medal is in it.

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Blue Bloods Season 11 Episode 15 Quotes

Suspect: I think it's funny that you think I'm dumb enough to talk to cops.
Baez: Too smart to talk to cops but too dumb to realize you're going to do 15 to 20 for those guns.

Heard you got this one. Hope you skipped lunch.
