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At a retirement party at a bar, a guy walks into Sid and then claims Sid spilled it on him. It becomes physica. A bigail separates them but the man goes after them again. She knocks him to the ground.

Badillo wants dating advice. He and Eddie are interrupted by a freaked out woman who says a guy has been stalking her and that she forgot her purse in the coffee shop. The guy is gone. The woman is disappointed the cops can't do anything.

Erin attends a press conference with Crawford. Some reporter asks Crawford if it's true her husband is having an affair.

Jamie chases down and arrests Bugs, who asks for "Brother D." Danny doesn't like being called that but says he will take over this case.

At a meeting with the Dream Team, Frank wants to know about the party. He heard there was a fight and a guy waas knocked out. Sid tries to give details without incriminating himself and Abigail. Frank asks if he is lacking a security clearance to know about this -- is Sid involved? Sid admits he was part of a scuffle. Abigail tells him sshe's the one who threw that punch. She says Luca was drunk and started a fight with Sid. She saw him about to hit Sid and intervened. Frank says this is not self defense because nothing had happened yet. He says Abigail will need a lawyer and to turn in hier gun and shield until after an investigation.

Erin tells Anthony she wants to investigate who is behind these attacks on Crawford. Anthony says these attacks are good for Erin's campaign. Erin thinks this is wrong. Anthony says this is the price for entering politics. He reluctantly agrees to do some fact-finding.

Bugs claims he is selling beanie babies and Danny says and you happened to be in the wrong place, right? He keeps interrupting when Jamie asks about carjackings.. Jamie confronts him in front of  Bugs. Bugs luaghs about this. He says he has a brother too who is also always bossing him around. Danny tells Jamie to come outside. He says Bugs only gets in trouble because of his brother but he will never flip on him. Danny says they can look intoo the carjackings but they have to cut Bugs loose.

The woman has called Eddie and Badillo because the guy has shown up at her gym. He tells the cops he didn't know anything about this woman and he has gone to this gym for a year. He says he's the one who ended things with her and she is screwing with him. He gives them his phone number.

Bugs says all clear and his brother tries to carjack a car but Danny and Jamie arrest him.

Garret and Sid come in and Sid says there are no cameras at the bar but unfortunately he and Baker were surrounded by Luca's friends. Frank says they can't influence the election. Sid says so we'll be smart about it. Frank says no to talking to friends in IAB or anything else.

Marcus and Bugs argue and Bugs claims that he didn't snitch. Danny says Marcus is the one dragging Bugs down. Marcus says he was paying back a debt he incurred in prison. He doesn't know who bought up the debt. He has to deliver the cars to a man named Reggie.

Danny tells Jamie there may be a bigger fish. Jamie asks what's with him and Bugs? Danny says yeah he thinks Bugs got a raw deal. Jamie asks if it's still his investigation.

Crawford asks Erin what she's doing and says Erin is minding her business again. How would Erin like it if someone on the phone was speculating about her and Jack? She is sure Erin would lose it. She doesn't want Erin helping her with this.

Frank talks to Jamie and Danny about the issue with Baker. Danny advises Frank not to care what anyone thinks. Jamie suggests he forget the rules and look for a way to get this settled.

Eddie and Badillo argue over which person is the crazy person in this situation.

Reggie is suspicious of Bugs anyway but Bugs' inability to keep his mouth shut doesn't help. The cops hear a gunshot and run in and find Marcus has been shot. Bugs is sobbing. Jamie indicates that Marcus is dead.

Bugs says he heard the gun go off but didn't see anything. He says he thought Danny was different but Danny is like everyone else and only wants to use him. Bugs says he's done and storms off.

Anthony says he found out why Crawford wanted Erin to stop looking. All thes tuff being said is true. Her husband is having an affair with someone and they have a kid together.

Eddie meets Badillo's mother in the police lobby. Mrs. Badillo says that her son says Eddie is the best partner but he can be overprotective and he has great instincts  and protected his sisters. He comes along and says he is taking his mom to dinner for her birthday.

Erin has a case ahead of time and Crawford seems annoyed that she didn't want it til next week. Erin apologizes for before and says she is there for her. Drawford says you found out about my husband, you're a piece of work, etc. She is sure it will be around the whole office and tells Erin to go. She wants her to stay the hell out of her life.

Frank comes to see Luca. He suggests he turn on his phone's voice recorder for their conversation.

Frakn asks for Luca's side of the story. Luca claims that Baker was drinking too much and kung fu'd him for no reason. Frank suggests that there may be surveillance footage. He says the investigation is young and he wants Luca to rest easy. Luca is nervous and says it was slick in there and maybe he slipped and hit his head on the bar. Frank says you think? He says he thinks so. Frank suggests then he should call and drop the charges.

Jamie asks if Danny is okay. He says Danny is right they have to get Reggie but now they have nothing. Danny says they have Bugs. He says he knows Bugs said he wants nothing to do with them b ut he knows Bugs will be avenging Marcus' death so all they have to do is follow him.

The cops follow Bugs to a house all the way across town. They stake out the place and Danny sneaks inside. He hears Bugs yelling at Reggie and holding a gun on him. Danny tires to talk Bugs down.  He eventually gets Bugs to put the gun down. Jamie arrests Reggie. Bugs is surprised and upset that Danny has to arrest him too.

Eddie has found that Donnelly is still on the app and also if you match with someone they can track your location/. They borrow Mary's phone and Donnolley comes in. They arrest him.

Danny goes to see Bugs who says what do you want? You should have let me kill him. He doesn't understand why he wasn't allowed to kill Reggie. Danny says he knows how he feels as he lost a brother too. Bugs says Danny still has a brother and should be nicer to Jamie. Danny says he talks to Erin and can work something out. He will try to make sure Bugs doesn't serve time.

Crawford says to Erin that they don't get paid overtime. She says she was taking things out on Erin that she didn't deserve. Erin says she took it personally because she put things on hold with Jack because of stuff like this. Erin offers her a nightcap. Crawford says alcohol in the office is against regulations. Erin is sure Crawford wants a drink too.

Abigail comes back to work. Frank comes in to welcome her back and asks if she wants to join him for the daily briefing. Garrett and Sid hug her. Garrett wants to know what Frank did. Frank says he doesn't know what they were talking about. Baker figures out that Frank talked to Luca.

Everyone grills Danny about leading Grace. Danny wonders when was the last time they all took a vacation together. Nobody wants to go to the same place and Eddie doesn't think they could do it. Henry agrees. They'd all end up investigating something. Danny calims he wouldn't be. Henry says Danny would be in trouble.


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Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 17 Quotes

Sid: There was a bit of a scuffle but we should let it blow over.
Garrett: If the press gets wind of this, it will blow up!
Sid: So don't let it!
Frank: What am I missing here? I feel like I don't have a high enough security clearance. Sid, you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. What's going on?

Eddie: So what happened, exactly? He showed up at a public coffee shop and did what, exactly?
Woman: Nothing, because I ran away.